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Living in Allentown: South Mountain Alpine Trail

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Are you just dying to get off campus and into the wilderness? Try the Alpine (Orange) Trail in Emmaus; it’s not exactly in Allentown, but it’s close enough. The trail is wonderful for biking, running, or hiking and is just 3.8 miles long. All of the trails are well-marked and easy to stay on, so you won’t get lost. There are a few patches of steep incline at the beginning of the trail, but once you get over those, it’s more manageable. So put on your hiking boots, grab a group of friends and head off campus for a few hours. The Alpine Trail is the perfect getaway from your hectic life.

Location: 300-553 Alpine Street, Emmaus, PA

Parking: There’s a parking lot at the end of Alpine Street that leads to the trail.

Price: Free

Travel Time: Approximately 12 minutes away from Muhlenberg College.

Worth a visit: Yup. This trail is beautiful and you won’t regret it!