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Why I Love Elemis’ New Pro Collagen Naked Cleansing Balm

The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Disclaimer: MSU’s chapter of Her Campus was gifted samples of Elemis’ Pro Collagen Cleansing Balm to share with members, this review reflects the writer’s personal opinion.

I’m a sensitive person, and anyone who has ever met me could tell you that I have very big emotions that come out in almost everything I do. I used to be so ashamed of myself and my big emotions because whenever I would ask advice from someone their first response was usually to stop overreacting. It took me years to finally realize that instead of trying to hold in my emotions and take one size fits all advice from others I should instead follow where those deep emotions stem from. My sensitivity is not a weakness, but rather a strength. It may have taken me a couple years to figure out, but when I finally did my life became ten times easier! One thing that helps me keep a good head on my shoulders is self care, specifically skin care and makeup. 

Ironically my skin is just like my personality: sensitive as HELL! Finding products that work for me is so beyond difficult, especially when it comes to taking off my makeup. My sensitive skin makes it hard to find a product that takes off my makeup without making my skin feel like it’s bursting into flames. 

Thankfully, Elemis has me covered. Their new Pro Collagen Naked Cleansing Balm has been a life saver for me. Not only does it have no fragrance, it also feels absolutely amazing to put on. I have always preferred cleansing balms to makeup wipes, but this balm not only puts makeup wipes to shame, but also many cleansing balms I’ve tried to shame. If there was ever a product I needed to recommend with a guarantee that it’ll be liked, it would be this one! 

Another thing I love about this cleansing balm is how easy it is to apply, so I don’t need to use too much to take off my makeup. To take off my makeup, all I need is to apply about a pea sized amount on each side of my face then rub my makeup off. Instead of having to use 2+ makeup wipes, I can save more product, and by extension, more money! Not to mention cleansing balms are significantly better for the environment than disposable wipes! 

Don’t be ashamed of being sensitive! If you love self care and have extremely sensitive skin I definitely think this product is for you. Take care of yourself and your skin with Elemis’ Pro Pro Collagen Naked Cleansing Balm!

Anna is a sophomore studying preveterinary medicine at Michigan State University and is so excited to be a part of Her Campus at MSU! Although her major is not anything writing related she has a big interest in journalism and any sort of creative writing as a whole. Anna hopes that her articles bring joy to anyone who reads them! In her free time Anna enjoys kayaking, paddle boarding, reading, and painting! Anna has pretty low expectations and is happy pretty much anywhere close to nature. If she's not on the beach, you can find Anna at a coffee house because despite having a heart condition Anna has a crippling caffeine addiction. Anna believes that she single handedly could keep Starbucks in business with the amount of times she goes a week! Anna’s one saving grace from being a woman in STEM is her dorm cat Poppy, who keeps her sane and is often featured on Anna’s social media (although some may say the amount of times Poppy is “featured” Anna’s accounts are just as much Poppy’s as they are Anna’s). You can find Anna on snapchat and instagram at “awiezperson” (a pun Anna thinks is hilarious but in all reality is not).