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Why I Am Still a Proud Spartan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Needless to say, it has been a very difficult and confusing time for those who call themselves Spartans. Our school’s employees and our reputation has been questioned both by outsiders and by our very own. I completely understand why. I am not proud of the way things have happened. I am not proud of the actions (or lack thereof) of certain faculty members. I am not proud of the heinous events that have taken place under our noses for a very long time with little to no consequences. I am not proud of any of that.

But I am still proud to be a Spartan.

Michigan State stands for so much more than the past few weeks have shown. This school has some amazing professors that have taught me more than I could ever imagine. It is full of amazing students eager to learn and eager to make change. It’s full of history, full of pride, and full of potential for the future.

One man does not make an entire school. A board of trustees does not make an entire school. A handful of men and women who chose to stay silent do not make an entire school.

Our school is us. It’s the people who spoke up and stood up for the truth. It’s the people who believed them and stood by their side. It’s the people who protest to make the school better. It’s the young men and women who sit in class, learn, and take that knowledge to go on and do better things for this world. It’s those who bleed green in good times and in bad.

We are Spartans.

Michigan State is an institution that has been around for 163 years and one that will continue for many years to come. This is a piece of our history that we are not proud of but that hopefully we can learn from and become better as a result.

So here is my message to all Spartans: It’s okay to still be proud of our school. I know I am. We need to stand together, make change, and prove to everyone that we still have something to be proud of.

To the brave souls who spoke their truth: thank you.

I am a Senior at Michigan State University, majoring in Communications and minoring in PR. I love to sing in the car, play with my dog, and find new recipes to make for my roommates. Also, Netflix is life.
Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.