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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Early on April 25, billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter.

Twitter has been my favorite social media app for a long time. It’s really easy to keep up with the news, and to connect with groups and causes you care about. 

But now, the future of Twitter is uncertain. Personally, I don’t understand why Musk felt the need to buy Twitter. But then again, I think I do understand. Twitter is the most important social media program for progressive causes, and many activists have spoken out against Musk personally. As the world’s richest man, his business practices are under scrutiny by progressives, and he has recently come under fire for alleged racism taking place in the Fremont, California plant (Los Angeles Times).

Twitter has also been a hub for organizing social justice movements. Many of the Black Lives Matter protests were planned on Twitter, which was central to spreading information and resources for those who wanted to attend. Twitter has also held public officials, police officers, and other authority figures accountable for their actions, and these public outcries have led to real change.

Elon Musk has come out against Twitter’s policies, which he views as restrictive against free speech. However, this potentially more lax moderation environment could lead to an increase in harassment and misinformation (NPR). This change could have real consequences in the upcoming 2022 midterms, and the 2024 presidential election. 
A lot of people are suspicious of Elon Musk’s intentions in buying Twitter, and they have a right to be. Musk spent $44 billion to buy it, about ⅙ his net worth (POLITICO). To put that into perspective, the UN claims $6.6 billion could solve world hunger (WorldEconomicForum). Buying Twitter seems like a ploy for Musk to gain more power and influence, and I think people are right to question his motives.

Sarah is a junior at Michigan State University double majoring in Social Relations & Policy and Journalism. She is interested in writing about how politics affects local communities and making information accessible for everyone. In her free time, she likes boxing, yoga, and spending time with friends, family, and her dog.