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Tips for Staying Productive at the End of the Semester

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

With winter break just on the horizon, it is very easy to get behind in work or lose motivation in class. So, here are some helpful tips for staying on top of your studies as the fall semester comes to an end. 

Keep Using That Planner

Trust me, I know it’s easy to forget about the cute planner you bought at the beginning of the semester or that aesthetic Google Spreadsheet you created with all of your assignments listed in it; however, it is important to keep using them. Writing everything down and being able to check off assignments as you do them is a great way to stay organized and on top of all those final projects. 

Find Different Study Spots

As it gets cold outside, staying cuddled up in your warm bed seems like the better option when picking a place to study. I am here to tell you that is not the case. In my experience, I always feel less productive when I’m in my room because I constantly check my phone or decide I deserve a nap after ten minutes of doing homework. If you can relate to that, I recommend a change of scenery. Get out of that cozy bed and find a nice spot on campus to study, whether it be the quiet library or a bustling dining hall. 

Get a Study Buddy

This tip may not work for everyone because I know some people prefer silent study sessions with no distractions. However, I’ve always found it really helpful to do work with my friends, because it makes studying just a little more fun and keeps me motivated. Also, it can be very beneficial to study with people from your classes, as you can bounce ideas off of each other and help each other prepare for those dreaded final exams.  

Ask for Help

Although this seems obvious, it is so important to reach out for help when preparing for the last few weeks of school. If you need extra help in a class, go to your professor’s office hours or ask your classmates questions. If you are stressed out, call a loved one to get your mind off of school for a while. No matter what you’re struggling with, there is most likely someone out there who can help you get through it.

Prioritize Mental Health

College is important, but nothing is more important than your mental wellbeing. Remind yourself that the exam or final project you’re worried about is just a little blip in your life. It’s good to study and prepare for finals week, but make sure you take breaks and focus on yourself; taking care of your mind and body will only help you be more successful in school.

I hope my personal productivity tips help you as we enter arguably the most difficult part of the school year. Although class is important, make sure you enjoy these last few weeks of the semester – college will be over before you know it.

Peyton Skiver is a writer, editor, and E-board member of Her Campus at Michigan State University. She writes articles to be published on the Her Campus site and designs content for the HCMSU social media pages. Skiver is a second year student at MSU studying journalism with a minor in sports journalism. Outside of class, she is a reporter for the Spartan Sports Report and a member of the Association of Women in Sports Media (AWSM). Skiver has a passion for photography, writing, and media design. In her free time, she loves to read, listen to music, and binge watch new TV shows.