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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

As the year comes to an end, readers all over the world scramble to complete the reading goals they set for themselves back in January. I myself am behind schedule, still needing to finish five books before the year is over to make my goal of fifty. It can be stressful to be behind, especially when you’re like me and refuse to give up or lower your goal. So, whether you’re behind on this year’s goal or just want to plan ahead for the next, here are some tips for meeting your reading goal.

1. Read what you enjoy

Don’t force yourself to power through a book you’re not enjoying. First and foremost, you should read because you like reading. If you’re just not feeling a certain book, set it down and read something else. You can always come back to it later and try again if you want. But it’s also fine if you never pick up that book again. Do what makes you happy. Chances are you’re going to read more when you’re having fun, and your reading goal will thank you.

2. Try graphic novels or comic books

Often much quicker reads than regular novels, comic books and graphic novels are a great way to save your reading goal. I’ve read plenty of them in one sitting, which is a lifesaver when you need to complete books in a hurry. They’re also just super fun and they add variety to your reading habits. What started for me as a need for something quick to read has developed into a great love and appreciation for graphic novels and comics.

3. Tackle shorter books

I know there are so many amazing books over 400 or even 600 pages, especially in fantasy and science fiction, but there are also plenty in every genre that are 300 pages or less. Checking off some of the shorter books on your TBR is a great way to keep up with your reading goal. Novellas and short story collections are wonderful for this too.

4. Listen to audiobooks

When life gets busy but you still want to read, audiobooks just might be the way to go. You can listen to them while you do pretty much anything else, making them perfect for multitasking readers. Audiobooks aren’t for everyone–I personally don’t listen to them but know many people who do (and swear by them)–but if you’re crunched for time and want to meet your goal, give them a try.

5. Set aside time to read

Carving out a set time in your day to read can work wonders. Setting aside a little bit of time in your schedule, even if it’s as small as ten minutes, is a great motivator to pick up your current read. And we all know how it is: “just one chapter” turns into twenty and before you know it,your reading goal is complete.

6. Reread a favorite book

If you’re simply lacking the desire to read anything new, there’s an easy fix. Pick up one of your favorite books and start it all over again. You know you’ve been dying to reread it, so why not now? Rereading a book that you already know you love is not only a great way to rediscover your passion for reading, but will also bring you one book closer to meeting your reading goal for the year.

So, if you’re desperate to reach your current reading goal or are making plans to crush the next one, I hope these tips help you in your quest. But remember, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t complete your reading goal. There’s always next year. Happy reading!

Kendra Gilchrist is Senior Editor for Her Campus at MSU. She assists with and edits other members' articles, helps run the editing team, as well as writing her own articles. Gilchrist is a sophomore at Michigan State University studying journalism with a concentration in writing, reporting, and editing. Gilchrist was the Journalism and Copy Editor for her high school yearbook during her senior year and recently interned at her local newspaper. In her free time, Gilchrist likes to read, obsess over tv and movies, go to concerts, and drink way too much coffee.