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Things You Need To Do To Boost Your Professional Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

When I entered college I had no idea where to start and how to kick off my professional career or how to build my toolkit. After trial and error as well as a lot of personal research and advice, I’ve come with a list that will help you!

  1. An Updated Single Page Resume

This is probably the most important thing you will need in college and for yourself. Not only can you track your experience, but having a professional resume is an absolute must for internships, jobs, or any role you could be applying for. Once you are in college, make sure to take out all highschool related experiences, awards, etc. Focus on your college level experiences. It is also important to keep your resume around one page with only relevant experiences relating to the role you are applying to. I have linked here the MSU career handbook that breaks down the steps and will help you craft yours! 

• Resume basics: pages 30-31

• Resume words: pages 32-33

• Resume samples: pages 34-37

  1. Interview Preparation

This is one of the things that most people do not expect or even think about. I can assure you that the earlier you prepare the better. Interviewing skills are so important and more challenging than you may think. I’ve always thought I was a social person, however, when it comes to interviews I always feel unprepared. Regardless of your major, you will definitely encounter an interview at least once. Before any interview, I recommend doing some personal research into the company, role, and interviewer if you have that information. Next, prepare and write down brief points or responses to general interview questions – know what you are going to say for each – you could even use Quizlet. There will be unprepared for questions, but if you have a system of how you will answer the question it will help. Always remember you get better with practice! Don’t be hard on yourself if you flunk your first few, keep practicing through mock interviews – schedule a mock interview on Handshake or with your family! There are multiple online resources with common interview questions and how to answer them so definitely check them out and practice regularly for long-term results.

  1. Cover Letter

I wrote my first cover letter this semester. It was very confusing as I’ve never really understood its purpose. However, a lot of positions will require a basic cover letter to express your interest for the job and why they should give you an interview. This article is a good starting point. You can also get your cover letter edited through MSU Handshake!

  1. LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn may not be as important for some career paths as others, however, I think it is smart for every college to make at least a simple LinkedIn profile. Not only can you maintain connections with your peers, teachers, mentors, family, etc. to follow their professional endeavors, but it also allows you to reach out to people who may be in your interest. It is also a space for you to attach your resume to and include your professional information so employers can contact you or you can send it to employers/management.

  1. Mentors 

Mentors are people who will be your best tools in your college career. Reach out to experienced family members, alumni, older peers, counselors, advisors, career specialists to help you throughout your journey. I highly recommend doing this so you have someone or people to check your work and help you prepare when you apply for something. Don’t be shy! Send it to these people and ask for their advice – most people love to help and share their knowledge. Some student organizations can help you with this and even pair you with experienced people in your field. A great tool to use is Handshake to meet with career advisors at MSU!

  1. Essay Writing, Research, Writing Experience

For almost any application or professional process, you will be required to write about yourself or something related to the job. Proper writing can change the game! Use your resources and practice writing (have drafts that you can edit before submitting the actual). Use the MSU writing center to get help from writing consultants!

I hope this article gives you an idea on where to start! My biggest advice to you is START EARLY. You’ve got this!!

Bhavya is the Head Director of Social Media for MSU's chapter of Her Campus. She is a junior majoring in Microbiology with a minor in Environment and Health/Bioethics. Her writing interests include: lifestyle, beauty, health, and wellness.