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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media

Staying Sane While Quarantining

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


Day #345 (or so it feels) of this quarantine, and it feels like the light at the end of this unknown tunnel is fading faster than my motivation for these online assignments. 


I know it’s tough, and I know that one can only binge watch so many hours of Netflix before they decide they’d actually rather get outside or do some cleaning around the house. Although I’d love to give you a list of the top ten best quarantine activities for this new journey our world is on together, I’d rather talk about something that I’m sure we’re all battling during this time – mental health.


Your mental health is so important 365 days of the year, but I’m positive that it’s been even more challenging to stay sane during these troubling times. Morale is low, and hopefulness seems bleak, but now more than ever, we must stay united in keeping a positive mindset. 


I know for me, personally, my mind has been entangled in the, “Gosh, I just wish things could go back to normal” mindset.


I texted my best friends and asked how they’re feeling mentally while dealing with this quarantine, and these were some of the responses:


“I’m nervous for more changes during this virus and what’s to come after it’s all over.”


“I miss social interaction.”


“I’m feeling distanced and disconnected. I often find myself sad and feeling bland.”


“I miss the small day-to-day things.”


Never in our 20-21 years of life did we ever really think how we’d feel if the ‘normalcy’ of our lives was just ripped from underneath us. Does anyone ever really think about it?


We’re not naïve to think we won’t ever face any obstacles or struggles in our lives, but we take for granted the normalness we’re so accustomed to. 


I never thought I’d yearn for the days where I could go out for dinner with my best friends, or go see a movie, or even go to class with my peers. I never thought those things would be something that I just couldn’t do anymore – even for a month. 


I know we’ll be able to participate in these ‘normal,’ daily activities soon enough, but in the meantime, I’m going to take these negative circumstances as an opportunity to remind myself how grateful I am for the simple blessings in my life. It’s an important aspect of keeping myself sane and my mental health well-balanced amidst the craziness.


I urge all of you to do the same.


Be grateful for the simple pleasures you’re able to indulge in – there are many people all over the world who can’t even do those things when there isn’t a pandemic going on.


Embrace this quiet time spent with family and friends or whoever your quarantine crew may consist of. Put your phone down, turn the TV off, and stop reading all of those COVID-19 Facebook posts – play board games with your family or craft with your siblings. Sit outside for an hour or make a new dish for dinner. 


If you’re able to work remotely, – or still have your job in general – take a minute and thank God or whatever/whoever you believe in that you’re able to make an income right now. Not many people do at the moment. 


If you know of anyone in the medical field or a police officer or a grocery store worker, thank them. While we’re hanging at home, they’re on the front lines going headfirst into the chaos. Remember that while they’re saving lives, we have the opportunity to ‘flatten the curve’ and help prevent the overpour of these corona cases by just staying home. 


I know it’s tough, and I know we miss the ‘normal.’ But I urge all of you to do your research and remember just why this quarantine is necessary. 


Journal in your bed, drink a glass of wine with your Mom, and do some workouts in your living room. You’d be surprised at the various coping strategies you can still utilize from the comfort of your own home. 


Take a minute and just be thankful that you’re still here safe and healthy – there are a ton of people who aren’t. 


Group FaceTime your best friends or family members if you need some social interaction. We’re lucky to have the technology to even do so. Lean on the support system you have and educate yourself on the resources still available to you via phone or the internet. 


Take this time and focus on YOU. Take a minute and just breathe. All we can do is take this one day at a time, and when the time comes that our ‘normal’ lives can resume, take the lessons learned from this pandemic with you as we move forward. 


You never know how good you have it until you’re forced to realize what ‘good’ truly means. 


Here are some resources to utilize if needed – 


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255


Online Counseling: www.betterhelp.com


The Listening Ear Crisis Hotline (East Lansing): 517-337-1717


Michigan Crisis Hotlines: http://www.suicidehotlines.com/michigan.html


A senior at MSU currently studying Communications & Public Relations. I attribute most of my success to Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee along with a passion for changing the world one story at a time.
MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.