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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Despite the unusual amount of snowfall this April, the end of the semester is just around the corner. The sheer amount of stress will bring out the worst in anyone, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember to keep a smile on your face as you bear through these five stages of the dreaded finals week.

1. Denial

What? No, finals week couldn’t possibly be next week! You’ve still got plenty of time to work on that semester-long paper. There’s at least a month of studying time left, you’ll be fine…right?

2. Anger

Turns out, you were wrong. Now you’ve got to pull an all-nighter to finish that paper, followed up by 10 hours of studying calculus before moving on to studying Shakespeare. The lack of sleep makes you a forced to be reckoned with as you storm down the corridors, silently loathing your professors for the amount of busy work assigned at the end of the year.

3. Bargaining

At this point, you’ve calculated your grade and realized there’s a chance you’ll fail French. Yikes. It’s at this point you start buttering up your teacher, trying to score a couple last-minute extra credit points. Hey, it never hurts to ask.

4. Depression

Now is when your mood will really plummet. You’re in the middle of your final exam and suddenly your mind is blank. Who is Shakespeare again? Your mind enters a depressed spiral where you manage to convince yourself that because of this test your life is now over.

5. AcceptanceEventually you come to the conclusion that the results of the exam don’t matter. You tried your best and that’s all that matters. Even if you did fail French, taking it again won’t be so bad. Besides, with the sun out and all your friends around, it’s easy to let the stress of finals fade away.

Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.