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Culture > Entertainment

Hulu’s Strangest Psychological Thriller

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Taking place in a mid-century bathroom, the film follows a family stuck during an intense thunderstorm, which starts as seemingly normal. While hours go by and discover a fallen tree at the entrance of this spacious yet claustrophobic bathroom, the father—who is played by the talented and intense Pat Healy—starts to lose his mind with his family sitting next to him. 

We Need to Do Something, is a movie directed by Sean King O’Grady, starring Vinessa Shaw, Sierra McCormick, and Pat Healy, and features Ozzy Osbourne. It is daunting and will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

If you’re not for gore and blood, this movie isn’t for you. There are intense moments where I had to look away, and hold my tongue… you would know why!! But while the gore is a lot, the cinematography is absolutely stunning. With Bauhaus vibes in the colorful bathroom and beautiful coloring and overall color scheme, it connects evil with the past that brings the future back to where we were. Stripped down to just being with your family, how would you survive days with them trapped in close corridors?

Now, before you watch the movie and come back to me after the rather… tragic ending… I think it was a worthwhile horror movie to get you in the mood for Halloween. It may not have been the best movie, but it had good messaging about family and being who you are, and was visually appealing to watch. Plus, it has witches in it? A little random and rushed, but cool nonetheless. 

Alex is a sarcastic, cat-obsessed senior at Michigan State University, studying creative advertising with minors in graphic design and media photography. She loves keeping her mind creative, whether that's on a laptop or not, her stream of conscious is always running. She is an editor and designer for HerCampus MSU and loves writing articles.