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Kellyn Simpkin-Hat Girl Writing Book Grass Outside
Kellyn Simpkin / Her Campus

How to Stay Motivated after Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Coming back from spring break, I’m sure everyone is back at school wishing they still had more time to enjoy the small yet amazing break we all had. Within this article, I will discuss some tips and tricks on how to build or maintain motivation after coming back from spring break. 

  1. Go Outside

This first tip is very simple. When living in the North/Midwest, it’s often highly encouraged to take breaks outdoors when the weather permits. This has been proven to boost motivation, happiness, and stimulation. Going outside can help you feel like you’re still on a break!

  1. Stay Organized 

When coming back from spring break, it may be overwhelming to jump right back into classes as if nothing happened. The key to staying motivated is having a great organizational system set in place to make sure you are staying on track with your weekly goals. For example, try using planners, phone reminders, or calendars to make sure you are accomplishing tasks.

  1. Journaling

Journaling is often overlooked but it is a great way to increase productivity and motivation. By journaling how your day went, you can visibly see the accomplishments that you’ve made throughout the day which can help you feel more productive when looking at future tasks.

  1. Have Fun 

While school is stressful for most, you can never forget to have fun and enjoy the little moments of life. You should always make time for hanging out with your friends or treating yourself to a mental health/self-care day. This is one of the most important things you can do to improve your quality of work and life. 

Overall, the most important thing to remember coming back from this spring break is to always allow yourself to have fun when finding different activities to help you stay on top of school and other life problems you may encounter. I hope you enjoyed these tips for productivity and enjoy the ones you decide to try!

Lauren Welch is a senior at Michigan State University studying Political Science pre-law with a minor in Law, Justice, and Public Policy. Lauren Welch is currently the secretary for the Michigan State University chapter and loves to write articles that relate to the college experience and tips on how to survive college in the most fun way. You can reach her through email at welchla3@msu.edu