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How to Make the Most of Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


Fall semester can be rough, especially for freshmen. It can be hard going back to college after a summer break filled with adventures abroad, work, spending time with family or hanging out with friends. By the end of the semester, we are tired and in dire need of a break. Finals hit us like a brick and afterwards we all feel like doing nothing. However, we can do much more with our time off this winter.


Spend time with family

A huge part of school is being away from family. Some people enjoy going home every weekend, while others stay at school for weeks on end. Winter break is the time where students normally return to their homes – but make sure not to take this for granted. Our parents love to spend time with us and hear about what we have been doing at school. So instead of holing up in our bedrooms, watching Netflix and napping all day, spend some time in your living room with parents, siblings, grandparents and other extended family.


Visit with old friends

Sometimes it’s nice to see friends from your past and catch up. These people were friends with us for a reason – they enjoyed our company and we enjoyed theirs. It can be humbling to see where our old friends have gone and what they have done with their lives – whether they went to college, served our country or started a job.



Cleaning can seem like a chore. When we were little, we would only clean if our parents promised us allowance or told us we had to before anyone could come over. Now that we’ve gotten a little older, it can be good to do chores every once and awhile. Even if it’s just cleaning out our old bedroom at our parents’ house, it can lead to donating some stuff to Goodwill or selling to a local consignment. This can be a very cleansing experience!


Work Out

This is everyone’s New Year’s resolution – every year. But it can be nice to actually have a fresh start by working out and taking care of our bodies. Working out releases endorphins, causing us to feel better and be more productive. Take the time to do something better for ourselves this winter break and figure out how to work some new activities or exercise into our routine.



Despite feeling the need to be productive over break and start anew with 2017, relaxation is needed. After a long semester, we need to treat ourselves to sleeping in, wearing pajamas all day and having all the food we couldn’t get at college. Taking time for ourselves and taking a well-deserved break is paramount. After all, we worked hard this semester.

Michigan State University Class of 2020 Psychology & Neuroscience Major on the Pre-Med Track Lover of coffee, dogs and croissants Michigan Native
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