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How I’m Preparing for My Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

This fall, I will be entering into my senior year here at Michigan State University (MSU). Preparing for senior year can be a tedious process, but I wanted to share what I am doing to help others with their process. 

Plan for your classes 

I recommend meeting with your advisors to help you with this process, since they can give you the best insight on what classes they recommend you take. Personally, I have decided to take classes that go towards my journalism major in the summer, and for my sports journalism minor in the fall. This makes my schedule easier, so that in the spring I can focus on taking electives. 

Grad School Search 

I am interested in pursuing a master’s degree, so I have been doing research on what schools I want to attend after getting my undergraduate degree. MSU has guidance events on preparing for grad school, and I definitely recommend going to them. Each college within MSU offers graduate advisors as well. Going to them and discussing next steps will help my grad school search. With preparing for grad school, I am getting my recommendations ready, help with resumes, and looking for scholarships to help with funding. 

Career Fairs 

Going to career fairs is a must in my senior year. I will also be attending career fairs in my local area to see what companies are hiring in my prospective field. Make sure you bring resumes, both print and digital copies. A pen or a pencil is important to bring as well so that you can write down notes and names of recruiters, company information, and types of jobs that they are offering. 

Managing My Time 

As I enter into my senior year of college, the workload is going to get pretty hefty. Between grad school applications, school work, and the clubs I am in, it’s important to stay organized. I suggest getting a calendar and having one on whatever device you use a lot. It makes it easier to schedule things and have a deadline for when you want to get things done. 

As I enter into my senior year, I reflect on my time at MSU and all the things that I have enjoyed since being at this university. It has prepared me for the work world, and I am excited to take that next step in my life. 

Liz Thomas is a current junior at Michigan State University studying journalism. She enjoys working out, reading, watching tv, and shopping. She loves fashion and hopes to have a career in the retail industry.