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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

One of my favorite things about the new year is that I start thinking about all of the hobbies that I’ve been meaning to pick up. While I know they might not all last, it’s always fun to try something new and learn a new skill. I figured that I would share some of my favorite New Year, new hobby suggestions to hopefully inspire your creativity. 

Learn a New Language

For years I’ve been wanting to learn a new language. Because I dream of traveling and it would be useful to have some basic knowledge of the languages spoken in the places that I want to travel. Learning a language is definitely a commitment, but with the help of online resources like Duolingo and even YouTube, it is easier now than ever to start taking those steps toward that new skill. 


Crocheting is actually my new hobby this year. My grandma has always made amazing stuffed animals and I really wanted to develop that skill as well. It’s a fun, and useful hobby that doesn’t require a lot of supplies and is calming once you learn the basics. All you need is yarn, a hook, and the knowledge of how to single stitch and you’re on your way. 


I know that it’s really not for everyone but one of my favorite hobbies is running. There’s something extremely satisfying about running a couple of miles and feeling good afterward. While it can be difficult to get into the habit of running, I’ve found that if I run 20 minutes every day (which is the length of your average sitcom episode) it’s easy to motivate myself to do it. Another useful motivator is to have one particular sitcom that you only watch while running. If the show gets really good that just means that you’ll be spending a lot more time on the treadmill.


Reading is a very common hobby but it’s also one that is easily forgotten. I have always been a big reader but in recent years the amount of time that I’ve spent reading has decreased a lot. In an attempt to start reading more consistently, I spend at least 10 minutes a day just reading a few pages, and oftentimes 10 minutes turns into an hour. 

Other Personal Goals

While these are some of my favorite personal hobbies I’ve also found that setting random personal goals is a great way to consistently approach something that I want to spend more time doing. For instance, I have a goal to copy down my favorite book in cursive as a way to practice my handwriting. While this type of goal is not ideal for everyone it can sometimes be a fun way to start thinking outside the box in terms of creatively using your free time.

With all of these hobbies, it’s important to set goals for yourself. Even if it’s something as small as reading five pages or running for 10 minutes these little goals can help turn your hobbies into beneficial habits. 

Abbie is a Michigan State University senior studying digital storytelling with a concentration in audio storytelling and minors in media photography and graphic design. They are the HCMSU chapter photographer and a member of the design team. When they're not taking photos or working on sound design, Abbie loves to crochet, watch movies, read, and listen to music.