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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

In honor of women’s history month, I have decided to share some albums that have gotten me through the adversities of womanhood. 

  1. Tidal by Fiona Apple

My first memory of this album was when I was about 5 years old and my mom would play the CD on her boombox while she cleaned the house. Back then, I just liked the rhythm and the tune of the songs. Listening to the album now as an adult, I can appreciate it on a whole new level.  Fiona Apple has a background in poetry that makes for stunning yet very blunt lyrics. This album is empowering, refreshing and a classic 90s rock album that is a must-listen. I enjoy a lot of Apple’s new releases. However, this album is a little bit more palatable for those who stray away from experimental music. 

2. Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood

I was first introduced to Weyes Blood through my roommate, and now I know all the lyrics to her two latest albums and cannot wait to see her perform live. Weyes Blood is an indie artist that has a track to fit every and any mood that you are in. I’ve listened to this album laying in the shower crying and also while driving with my windows down on a warm day. This album is extremely versatile and I highly suggest it to those who enjoy artists like Clairo, Phoebe Bridgers, and Florence and the Machine. 

Honorable mention: In the Darkness Hearts Aglow by Weyes Blood

3. Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers

If you have not listened to Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers, you are missing out on the best album to sob to in your bed at 3am. This album has the perfect mix of angst and heartbreak. Whether you feel like screaming, sobbing, or staring blankly at a wall, this album will be a perfect fit. I had listened to a few of Phoebe’s more popular hits like “Motion Sickness”, but that doesn’t compare to the poetic genius that Punisher brings to the table. My favorite track on the album would be a close tie between Savior Complex and Moon Song. Bridgers manages to take the pain that humans experience and make it into music that anyone can relate to and enjoy. 

4. Oil of Every Pearls Un-Insides by SOPHIE

I was completely unaware of the Hyper Pop music genre until this year. There are many Hyper Pop albums that are excellent. However, this one holds a special place in my heart. Sophie was not only a songwriter, but also a producer for many years, In fact, she has worked with a variety of Rap and Indie artists. Sophie is a transgender woman and historically used autotune and voice distortion in her music. The track It’s Okay to Cry on this album showcases Sophie’s raw and unfiltered voice for the very first time. This album is upbeat, unique and a great pick-me-up album. My favorite track is Immaterial, but FaceShopping is a close second. This album opened my eyes to the Hyper Pop genre, and I think it will do the same for you. 

Emma George-Griffin has been a staff writer for the Michigan State University Chapter of Her Campus since fall of 2022. George-Griffin is Senior at Michigan State University Studying Journalism with a concentration in writing, reporting and editing, and a minor in Documentary Production. She plans on earning her bachelor degree from Michigan State University in the spring of 2025, and plans to earn her Masters degree from the University in the winter of 2026. When she isn't working or in class, George-Griffin enjoys spending time in nature, reading Tarot, and painting.