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First Time in the ‘Woodshed’ – MSU Football as a Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

As a Michigan State freshman, this is how the first four weeks of home football games went for someone who’s not very into football, but very into her school. 

It was a long first month at MSU for anyone who had season tickets, or anyone living on campus. Every Saturday is truly so eventful, it’s hard to write how special it is to watch your Big Ten university play, no matter your interest, no matter the sport. As exciting as it is, many would agree that watching football is not what makes an MSU game day, MSU gameday. Here is what I have learned through my season ticket experience so far.

Games should be later than five.

MSU vs. Central was my favorite game not only because it was the first of the season, my first time attending, and it was an easy, fun victory. I also liked it because it was at 7:30. There’s not enough time for me to have fun getting ready, fun doing the game day festivities.  It’s hot at 3:30, and be in line fast enough to get a respectable colored wristband. When the games are late you can take your time to get ready, take pictures, tailgate, and which is the best part of home spartan games.

Plan accordingly when dressing, eating, and drinking.

As I mentioned before, the game is always the most fun. With that said, regulating yourself for game day is crucial. The game day outfit, while it is easily one of the most crucial parts for my perfect game day, has to be worn for hours in the hot or cold. Dress practically, I have seen too many friends regret game day outfits for that reason.

In the same vein, focusing on how much you eat and drink is the only way to survive game day. No one wants to stand up for hours on a little piece of metal bleacher if they can not even stand straight, and no one wants that person falling back onto them. Make sure you eat lots of food at the tailgate and take care of your body. Still being able to rally after the game is a must in East Lansing.

Get there with lots and lots of time, a charged phone too.

While this kind of contradicts what I have said, because if the pregame festivities are so much fun, why go so early? If you are not already in love with watching football, the last thing you want is to be in the nosebleeds where you can barely hear the band or see the cheerleaders. It is so worth it to get there thirty minutes before you think you even should. With that being said, you cannot let your phone die at the tailgate, or get even close. It truly feels like forever waiting for the cheering, chants, and announcing to start. 

I am so proud to go to Michigan State and the whole city shows an insane amount of pride every game day, I can’t imagine having experienced these games anywhere else whether the Spartans win or lose. 

Tait is a first-year student at Michigan State University. This is her second semester as an HC chapter member. Tait is a psychology major who has always been passionate about the subject. She also loves to read and write, she was in her high school literature club, which inspired her to join HC. When she is not reading or studying, Tait enjoys playing sports like soccer and field hockey. She loves to be with her friends and is always consuming copious amounts of media.