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Don’t know where to get a graduation dress? Look no further

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Don’t worry, I’m here to help you with a list of the best stores to find you the perfect dress to wear under your cap and gown! Before picking out your perfect dress, you might want to consider a few things: the weather, whether the commencement is indoors or outdoors, and what types of shoes (flats or heels) to wear. You should figure out what kind of surface you’ll be walking on to help you decide the latter.

For a spring graduation ceremony, I suggest either a pastel or white color. Deciding on a perfect length that also works best for you is important. I recommend a medium knee length – not too short or too long. Dressing for comfort is also highly important. Make sure not to wear anything too tight or made with itchy materials, as you will be sitting and standing for a couple hours.

Lulus Dresses:  https://www.lulus.com/categories/1362_14861/white-graduation-dresses.html?redirectQuery=white%2Bgraduation%2Bdresses

Windsor Store:  https://www.windsorstore.com/pages/search?Page=1&ResultsPerPage=48&SortBy=relevance&q=white%20graduation%20dresses

Forever 21: https://www.forever21.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-forever21-Site/en_US/Search-Show?q=white+dresses&lang=en_US

Urban Outfitters: https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/search?q=white%20graduation%20dresses

These four dress stores give wonderful and cost effective options to find the best, comfortable outfit. Happy shopping! 

Katie is a Senior at Michigan State studying Communications. She loves all things baking, cooking and sports! Her favorite NBA team is the Golden State Warriors. She hopes to one day watch Steph Curry play live at a basketball game!