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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

When we think about our past choices and reflect on the things we could have done differently, most people skip over the fact that the choices we made in the past molded the you that you are today. 

As we enter into the next year, it is essential that we examine our choices and reflect on how we have grown from them instead of how we could’ve changed what we did. The most important thing you can do for yourself, your mind and your inner child is to not blame yourself for paths you may have chosen when, in that moment, you didn’t have the hindsight that you do now. Instead, change the mindset to what you’ve accomplished because of that path. Maybe you were able to learn how to adjust to certain situations, or maybe you learned something about yourself that you didn’t know beforehand and wouldn’t know unless you encountered that situation. 

Overall, as humans, it’s important to understand that we may not always choose what’s best for us and we will always make mistakes. However, we cannot continue to blame ourselves for the past and we must not bring ourselves down if something we’ve done has affected the present. As humans, we have a natural ability to adapt and grow stronger when we believe we have hit rock bottom. Apologize for being hard on yourself, celebrate your accomplishments and celebrate your personal milestones. 

Hindsight is 20/20, but self-reflection weighs heavier. 

Lauren Welch is a senior at Michigan State University studying Political Science pre-law with a minor in Law, Justice, and Public Policy. Lauren Welch is currently the secretary for the Michigan State University chapter and loves to write articles that relate to the college experience and tips on how to survive college in the most fun way. You can reach her through email at welchla3@msu.edu