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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

As the strange year of 2021 comes to an end, it’s a great time to start thinking about the future and any ways you can improve in 2022.

One resolution that is growing in popularity is the goal to be more environmentally friendly. Now more than ever, it is super important that we change our lifestyles to have a more positive impact on the planet.

This may seem a little overwhelming at first, especially because many people feel dependent on environmentally disastrous products and services. But there are many small changes you can make in your daily life that can challenge this societal reliance. 

Here are 5 small ways to be more environmental in 2022 – try adopting just one or two changes at a time, or challenge yourself to try all of these things!

Switch Over to Reusable Everything

Single-use plastic products are one of the worst causes of pollution, and their constant creation is a huge toll on the environment. 

You may have already made the switch to canvas bags and metal straws – and that’s great! But these products are only the beginning of our journey to reduce plastic production and reliancy. 

Some other things you might swap out for reusable products include:

  • Paper towel → reusable napkins
  • Pads, tampons → diva cup, period underwear
  • Plastic ziplock bags → tupperware, beeswax paper
  • Regular batteries  → rechargeable batteries
  • Plastic water bottles → stainless steel water bottle

You can also look for zero-waste grocery stores near you, where you can bring back glass or plastic containers to be refilled with the products!

Buy Locally and Seasonally

Another huge contributor to climate change is the transportation of our goods and foods from all across the world. 

Sure, it’s very convenient to go to the major grocery chains and see everything you could possibly want. But the benefits of shopping locally far outweigh the inconvenience of only eating certain fruits and vegetables at certain times of the year.

By buying locally and seasonally, you’re lowering the dependence on these major chains, lowering your own carbon footprint, and also supporting farmers in your community.

Shop Second-Hand

Speaking of environmental shopping, another change you can make is to shop second-hand. Garage sales, thrift stores, and resale shops are great places to find sustainable fashion and decor.

Fast fashion websites like Shein contribute huge amounts of pollution and clothing waste. The prices might lure you in, but it is much better for the environment to buy second-hand clothes and update them to the newest trends with a bit of sewing. 

Plus, flipping clothes can be a fun hobby!

Eat Less Dairy and Meat

Some people think that going vegetarian or vegan would be a major inconvenience and hugely expensive. In reality, as these dietary choices become more and more mainstream, meat and dairy alternatives have become more accessible.

Cutting back on these foods can lower your carbon footprint and can lead to less animals being bred for the production of food overall. Even if you’re not interested in fully switching over, just reducing your intake of meat and dairy products can have a positive impact on the environment. 

Get Involved

Making changes as an individual is a great place to start. But this is a global issue, and the biggest contributors to the problem are giant corporate entities. To solve the issue of climate change before it’s too late, we need to work collaboratively to challenge their power.

If you care about environmental issues, join a local activist group or non-profit organizations. See how you can get involved by making monthly donations, writing to your representatives, or campaigning for a candidate that you trust.

This year, make it a goal to protect the environment and challenge the system of exploitation, pollution, and waste!

Hannah is studying English Creative Writing at Michigan State University. She is passionate about art, poetry, good food, and working toward a sustainabile future.