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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

It’s weird to say that I’m not 21 anymore, but I feel like I say that every year. COVID-19 definitely put a pause on my age, because you’re telling me I’m not 19 anymore? It’s crazy how time flies, and ironically enough, looking back on what you have learned in your life brings you into the current moment. Reflection is great for grounding yourself when you get lost in the craziness of life, so here are some things I have learned in my unique life.

  1. Allow yourself to feel deeply – for others and for yourself. 
  2. Get a cat. They’re cool and soft.
  3. If they wanted to, they would. 
  4. For real, treat others the way you want to be treated. 
  5. Not everyone is your best friend, and not everyone hates you. 
  6. Let your emotions out physically: go on a walk, workout, etc. It helps. 
  7. Nothing that is meant for you will get away. 
  8. Action precedes motivation: just go and do it, whatever it is. 
  9. It’s OK to have a lazy day. Or weekend. Or week. 
  10. Eat whatever you want, whenever you want. Life’s too short to fad diet.
  11. Everyone needs a therapist they trust. Talk to someone – it helps. 
  12. You are here, and I am proud of you for that. 
  13. When the sun is out, you should be too! 
  14. Yolo!!!!!!!!!
  15. Never let anyone tell you how you should feel or that you’re feeling too much. 
  16. It’s OK to be a hater, but be a bigger lover first. 
  17. Watch TV, soak everything in, and reflect. 
  18. Ask yourself, “why am I motivated today?” 
  19. Take cranberry pills before seeing anyone (wink wink) …thank me later.
  20. Tell people you love that you love them.
  21. Life is full of ups and downs. Revel in the good AND the bad. 
  22. As cheesy as it sounds, things will get better. I am living proof of it, and you will be too. You got this. 

I hope you can take some wisdom away from this random mess of my tips and life lessons. Remember that life is about creating moments, whether they’re the best in your life or actually hitting rock bottom (which I have…multiple times). Embrace the good and bad. Good luck out there!

Alex is a sarcastic, cat-obsessed senior at Michigan State University, studying creative advertising with minors in graphic design and media photography. She loves keeping her mind creative, whether that's on a laptop or not, her stream of conscious is always running. She is an editor and designer for HerCampus MSU and loves writing articles.