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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Writing is a necessary part of life, especially college life! Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the words just won’t flow. Here’s a handy guide on how to get over writer’s block, when it strikes.

Try Out a New Word Processor

If a blank white screen and blinking cursor is stressing you out, it’s time to switch word processors. My favorites include Om Writer and the appropriately named Writer’s Block. Both of these applications are designed with the user in mind and should coax you out of the place you’re stuck.

Give Writing Prompts a Try

There are plenty of blogs and websites dedicated to writing prompts, or you can visit your local bookstore and find a journal or book dedicated to this specific purpose. Utilizing writing prompts may not be what you were specifically working on, but it will ignite your brain and get the creativity flowing.

Switch Up Your Location

Where was the last place that really got you into your writing “zone”? Go there, if you can! If you’re there and you’re still struggling, don’t worry, you simply need to switch it up! My favorite places to break through writer’s block include independent coffee shops, bookstores, and outside (if the weather permits.) None of these locations available? Try sitting in a different direction or standing when you write, just to elicit a different sensation.

Take a Break

If you’ve been typing non-stop for so long you’ve forgotten what the outside world looks like – it’s time to take a break. Stop, stand up, and stretch. Pay special attention to your legs, hips, neck and wrists – these are all body parts that store tension and are affected by long periods of sitting. If needed, get a healthy snack or even take a short nap to renew your energy.

Practice Self-Care

Have you done something nice for yourself lately? Take some time to do self-care activities that make you feel good, like taking a bath, coloring, or even having a mini-Netflix marathon. Not only is taking care of yourself important, it may remove the stress and overwhelming nature of having to get something done.

And the Most Annoying: Write

I know, I know, the whole point of you reading this is the fact that you can’t write. Well, the best way to overcome an inability to write is to do just that – write. It may be nonsense, it may be garbage, but it’s something, and as you continue, that something will continue to improve more and more. Try it – after a bout of writer’s block try writing anything, and compare the beginning of your session with the end. You will likely see a stark improvement in quality and performance.

And that’s it! Get to writing!


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Sarah Vazquez is a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in English and minoring in Journalism. She is the current Editor-in-Chief and a Co-Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She is an avid concert-goer, podcast junkie, X-Files fanatic and someone who always has her nose buried deep inside a book.