Rapper Eminem clapped back at President Donald Trump with his most recent freestyle rap video. This video was also played at the BET Hip Hop Awards. Eminem is not a supporter of Donald Trump, and it shows in his over five-minute video. Eminem raps about Trump’s responses to many of the devastating occurrences that have happened most recently.
Eminem mentions Colin Kaepernick and supports him for trying to get his message out to the people. This is part of the rap about Colin Kaepernick:
“Now if you’re a black athlete / you’re a spoiled little brat / for trying to use your platform or stature / to try to give those a voice who don’t have one.”
Eminem spoke his feelings toward Donald Trump and Eminem’s supporters who may be supporters of Trump:
“And any fan of mine / who’s a supporter of his / I’m drawing in the sand a line / you’re either for or against / and if you can’t decide / who you like more and you’re split / on who you should stand beside / I’ll do it for you with this,” he raps, before giving the middle finger to the camera.
This is only the most recent example of the negative comments about our President, Donald Trump. Many people have spoken, and there are so many others that have yet to speak about him. In a country that is based on freedom of speech, many of us have spoken on our disliking of the things the President has said or done.