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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

It is so easy to get lost in this world. There are so many directions you could go, so many choices you could make, so many people you could meet, but will you dare to explore? 

    We are human, and therefore naturally, we do not like change. We like to be comfortable, knowing what is around every corner, but this world is constantly changing and more opportunities are presenting themselves. Being bold looks different for everyone. It could be that you are going to finally ask that guy (or girl) you’ve have had a crush on forever, on a date. It could be wearing that new lipstick that makes you feel like Rihanna, or it could mean that you are going to stick up for yourself instead of going radio silent when someone makes unwanted advances.

    Whatever being bold looks like for you, own your flaws. Understand that there are things you need to work on to improve, but also know that you have many strengths and when you utilize them, you are unstoppable. Stand up for what you believe in and let your voice be known. Bring your knowledge to the table and back your words up with facts that will blow their minds. 

    Make the most out of every win, whether that means you got up early enough to actually have breakfast, or that you landed that new job. You are out here accomplishing things and being productive. On the flip side, understand and accept failure, because when you are bold and put yourself out there, there are times where things might not go the way you had hoped. Being able to learn from those mistakes and clap back ten times harder gives a new definition to the word bold.

    Count on yourself. Trust in your abilities to make the right decisions. Keep building on your success and let that confidence take you to new heights.


Hello! My name is Emma and I am a nursing major! I am going to specifically focusing on Maternal and Childcare. I am currently involved in Community Council, Photography and Modeling Club besides Her MNSU. In my free time I enjoy modeling and listening to music!
I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.