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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.


We have officially reached that point in winter where motivation is plummeting and you can almost feel the agonizing cold air in your soul. At times like these, it is really easy to fall into a funk. After all, staying in your warm bed is a far more inviting option than layering up and trekking off to class everyday. When the air gets colder, it can sometimes seem like all hope is lost. But, it does not have to be. If the winter has you completely down in the dumps, try out some of these tips to bring some sunshine back into your life.


1. Get Outside

This is perhaps the most important and helpful way to lighten up your spirit. It is also the hardest. When the frigid air hugs your face immediately and you have to brace yourself for even a walk around the corner, going out is very low on the list of priorities. But, this fresh air is really good for you. Cabin fever is real and a change of scenery is a great first step in improving your mood. Aim for just fifteen minutes a day and be sure to bundle up.


2. Find Some Fun Indoor Activities

The cold does not have to rain on your parade. Take advantage of these colder months to do some indoor exploring. Museums, going to see a movie, catching a play or even going out to brunch are all fun things that do not require freezing outside, so fill your schedule with these fun events. Having things to look forward to will bring some excitement back into life and will do wonders for your overall mood.


3. Embrace The Season

As the saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Instead of wallowing over the colder temperatures, shift your mindset to appreciate the season. The wintertime brings more than just dread. It also means that it is time for hot chocolate, warm socks, and getting cozy by the fire (or under some blankets if you are a college student). When you find pleasure in these small and uniquely winter elements, it makes the icky stuff slightly more bearable.


4. Sleep

The answer to almost all woes. It is impossible to feel motivated and happy even on the best days if you are lacking shuteye time, but add that to the sluggish winter weather and you will find yourself dragging through the week. After all, it’s cold out. We need to maximize the time spent in our warm beds.


5. Take Care Of Your Health

Wintertime = sick season, and catching any sort of cold or flu will be sure to worsen any blues. Make sure you are using your hand sanitizer, taking your vitamins, drinking lots of water, and keeping your space clean. All the things we know we should do, but that easily fall by the wayside in the bustle of everyday life.


6. Be Extra Kind To Yourself

Mental health is just as important to attend to as physical. When you are stuck in a funk, it is vital to take care of yourself. A little mental care can be achieved through various different methods, so find what is best for you. Whether it be journaling, a bath, talking to someone, or even treating yourself a bit, being attuned to your mental state and taking the steps to get things back to normal is very important.


The winter can be tough, but it can be bearable. And when all else fails, remember that spring is just around the corner.

Campus Correspondent. English Literature major, Digital Journalism minor and NYC based dancer/singer.