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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

With most people finishing up midterms it can be hard to motivate yourself to do your best the rest of this semester. I know for me I am ready to get this over with but I don’t want to neglect my classwork. Here are 10 ways to help you get through the rest of this semester.

Reward yourself for completing assignments. 

Depending on the size of the assignment you can change the scale of your reward. Finish a paper? Get your favorite dinner or snack. Get an A on a quiz? Go out shopping with some friends. Finish your work for the week? Watch your favorite movie. Motivate yourself with your favorite relaxing or fun activities and hold yourself to it. 

Schedule your day

With online classes, it can be harder to get all your work done. Set a day to go through your week and make a to-do list with all your assignments. If you want to be super organized you can even set times for when you want the project done. 

Study With Other People

This can either help you a lot or be a huge distraction. But if you set aside time with your friends or classmates to work on an assignment or study it can help being with other people who are doing the same thing. You can meet up at one of y’all’s houses or even go to a coffee shop.

Listen to music

Listening to some calming or instrumental music can put you in a studying mood and take away from outside distractions. Just make sure you find a playlist that works best for you and doesn’t add distractions.

Take away distractions

If you are having trouble concentrating find a new location to study, whether it is the library, park, or the student center. It’s important to create a certain space to study versus relax.

Get something to fidget with

Do you have a lot of textbooks to read or lectures to watch? If you have trouble sitting still and focusing try to find something to fidget with whether you buy a fidget cube, stress ball, (or my favorite) an acupuncture ring it can help you pay attention. 

Go To Office Hours

If you are struggling to be invested in one class go to the office hours and just talk to your instructor. It can be about anything but meeting them one on one can help you take the class more seriously.

Use your class resources 

A lot of places will offer tutoring and extra help that you can utilize as a student. To either help you with questions or just have someone to hold you accountable for studying class content. 

Schedule time away from studying

In order to keep you sane, it’s important that you make time do to stuff away from being a student. It can be as simple as going to a friend’s to watch a movie or going to get lunch. If you focus too much on schoolwork it won’t take a lot to make you tired of it. 

Talk to Someone

If you think this could be more than being lazy don’t hesitate to reach out to someone for help. Lots of campuses have places you can go to get help no matter what you’re struggling with.

(she/her) Madison Thompson is a junior at The University of Missouri- Columbia and has direct admission into the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism School. She is an older sister and loves to read and write. In addition to Journalism, Madison loves creative writing. Madison has a self-published poetry book titled "The Journey". Her Poem Supermarket was a finalist in the 2019 KET writing contest.
HC Contributer Mizzou