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6 Myths of Adulthood as Told by Sarah’s Scribbles

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

Do you feel like your life should be more put together than it is? Do you still melt into a puddle when your crush looks in your direction? Do you spend most of your day wishing you were in your pajamas? Same, same, same. Adulting can be rough, but you’re not alone. Sarah Andersen’s relatable and hilarious collection of comics, “Adulthood is a Myth: A Sarah’s Scribbles Collection” is proof we never really grow up, we just get older. Here are some expectations about adulthood that are crushed in this book:

1. Your romantic life will be a smashing success and you won’t ever get flustered by romantic gestures ever again.

You may feel like you’re a romantic disaster. As an adult, there are silly expectations that you should be able to talk to a potential love interest without a) dissolving into a puddle, b) saying something along the lines of “You have really nice…uh, ankles,” or c) sweating profusely. As most of us know, those things and more happen simultaneously when we get bitten by the lovebug. Fortunately, “Adulthood is a Myth” shows that everyone gets a little nervous when it comes to dating and no one really knows how to play it cool. Also, Andersen tells us that real love doesn’t ask you to shave your legs. If that’s not the truth, I don’t know what is.

2. College is easy and will be all about meeting new people with a little side of academia.

When we were younger, many of us were under the delusion that merely stepping foot on a college campus would magically turn us into successful adults. Now that we see the reality, we understand that college involves a lot of studying, late nights and overcaffeination. We seem to spend a lot of time thinking about the mountain of things we should get done instead of actually doing them.

3. Adulthood means that there are very strict rules for personal hygiene and cleanliness.

We may get older and wiser, but sometimes our cleaning habits stay the same. A lot of us retain the thought that if you can’t see the mess, it’s not there. Dirty is a relative concept, right?  

4. Adults’ food palates are extremely sophisticated.

“Adulthood is a Myth” says that many of us “adults” would be happy living off of pizza and snacks for a while. Though we think we’ll outgrow our childish cravings and insatiable sweet-tooth, being an adult really just means that you can eat as many cookies as you want without asking your mom first.

5. When you’re an adult, you’re the master of finances.

You’re an adult and you make more than $1 in allowance per week, so when payday rolls around, you think to yourself, “I’m rich! I can buy all the things!” After you’ve treated yourself, you realize there are adult things to pay for, like rent, groceries, tuition, toilet paper and car insurance…goodbye, paycheck. “Adulthood is a Myth” shows that a lot of us have poor spending habits from time to time.

6. The biggest myth of adulthood of all: your future will just figure itself out on its own.

The future is definitely exciting, but it doesn’t always get easier as you get older. Most of the time, the future just becomes more urgent and confusing. “Adulthood is a Myth” proves that as adults, we don’t have it all figured out the way we thought we would.

Sarah Andersen’s Adulthood is a Myth is full of humor and truth. Pick up your own copy to laugh at your “adulthood” and realize that being an adult isn’t exactly how we always thought it would be.

Natalee is a sophomore at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Despite being a girl from Green Bay in Vikings territory, she loves her Minnesota home.