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Kayla Bacon-Carefree Fall 2
Kayla Bacon-Carefree Fall 2
Kayla Bacon / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

In college, it is often hard to find your niche and check in with yourself with about how you are doing mentally and physically. I find myself pushing and pushing throughout the week without checking in with how I’m personally feeling and doing. Some recent situations in my life have caused me to stand up for myself and learn how to surround myself with positivity. I hope you can utilize at least one of these ways to fill your life with the good:




Supportive People

One of the best ways to bring more positivity into your life and lift your spirits is to find people in your life that support you. Really sit back and think about who you can count on in life and who is always there for you through everything. Those are the people in your community you need to plug into. If you are especially going through a rough patch right now, it’s important to lean on those people more to support and love you. Laugh and cry with them because you deserve to feel supported. You never have to go through or do anything alone. Isolation and loneliness are two of the worst feelings to experience, and I can attest because I have been there far too many times in my life. If you have not found those people yet, do not give up hope. Put yourself out there and try to plug into clubs and classes you are in. Go to mentors, counselors, friends, family members, neighbors, classmates, and trusted adults who are there for you.

Encouraging Music

What we listen to is far more impactful to our well-being than we initially realize. We just plug in our earbuds every day and switch on our favorite playlist. What you listen to affects your mental and emotional health. And don’t get me wrong, sometimes I need to listen to Adele or Sam Smith to get a good cry out. Besides the moments you need that type of music, try to listen to music you enjoy with encouraging lyrics. Songs that contain lyrics that are meaningful and upbeat will ultimately put you in a better mood and make your day go by easier. Search under the “Mood” category in Spotify and you will find endless playlists related to happiness or having a good day. If you cannot find anything, craft your own playlist with your favorite hits! It will make a difference!

A Peaceful Environment

Your living space, work environment, and study area are all important environments to consider making peaceful so you feel at ease and relieved of stress. I know, how is it possible to create a peaceful and stress-relieving environment at work? But, hear me out! Maintaining friendly relationships with co-workers and keeping your area organized will make a world of a difference. Try to check off tasks at work when you have some down time so they do not pile up for you to do later and you end up feeling overwhelmed. Maintain a positive attitude when a problem arises that is out of your control and take a few deep breaths if you need to step aside for a moment. As far as your living space, you want to keep your space organized and set up in a way that you feel you can come home and just relax and be at peace for the rest of the day. You want to feel safe and secure since it is your home. Add some soft lights or candles to it to make it feel more relaxing. Looking at encouraging and uplifting quotes can help too to keep you inspired. Maybe sprinkle some of those around with pictures of family and friends to make you smile.

Activities That Bring You Joy

Who does not love to engage in activities that bring them happiness? When you participate in activities that fuel your passions and give you a purpose, it allows you to connect with others with similar interests and feel good inside. If you have not found a hobby or club that peaks your interest yet, keep trying new things out until you find the right fit for you. There are so many clubs already on campus for almost every interest. If you cannot find one, just get an advisor and create one! Activities that bring you joy could even be as simple as walking your dog, coloring, watching Netflix, organizing your room, or going out with your friends. No matter how simple or complex they are, continue doing them so you can destress and better your own emotional and mental health.

Self-Love and Respect

I think this is the most important of these categories. In order to engage in all of these, you must try to show yourself self-love and respect. This is your life, therefore you make the decisions about what is best for you. Do not let other people decide for you because it ultimately comes down to your desires and needs. Only you know what works for you and what feels good to you. Sticking up for yourself and saying “no” to things that do not spark joy in your life is a way to surround yourself with the good. Doing this pushes away the negativity and lets you set boundaries for your own well-being. It is definitely easier said than done, but you have to slowly try to find that respect for yourself to call the shots in your life and be in tune with your own feelings. Think about the good characteristics of yourself and what you can bring to the table. If you do not really know what you bring, ask your friends what they love about you and see what they have to say. They love you for a reason, so let them show that to you. You are special in your own way and you deserve to celebrate that.

I truly hope these tips can help you enhance your life and surround yourself with the good. You deserve nothing less than happiness and it is up to you to make it happen! Continue chasing it and you will surely find it one day!


HCXO, Rachel

Rachel Ritchey

Millersville '22

Rachel Ritchey is a senior public relations major at Millersville University. Rachel is the President of the Millersville University Her Campus Chapter. She is also the PR Chair of the All Campus Musical Organization and a member of Navigators. She is passionate about type 1 diabetes awareness, women empowerment, social media management, music, mental health, and self-care. ♡
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