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Post-Workout: The Magic of Chocolate Milk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Hey Collegiettes! Now that school is in full swing, those of you who have followed through with your big pre-college ambitious work out plans need to know a little something. You know that perfect smoothie you drink post-workout or maybe your favorite kind of Gatorade? Well, a recent trend among nutritionists and workout buffs finds that there is something much better than both: chocolate milk.

Now, some of you may know about the magic of milk and specifically the best flavor of it. However, do you know why it’s so good for post-workout? We’re gonna tell you!

A Fox News health report from late last year listed protein content, carbohydrate content, and calcium content as the three big reasons to seek out chocolate milk following a workout. Citing a 2006 study in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, they and others say that after working out, your body is most eager to use amino acids (proteins) to repair muscle tissue, while using carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen. That same study found that it is as good as or better than Gatorade for replacing glucose in fatigued muscles. Fitness Magazine cites that same study and, with a focus on women, shows the benefits of chocolate milk through the prism of the calcium content. 

It’s important to note that chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink if you’re really working out. Intense cardio, swimming, cycling, weight room-craziness and maybe even a Bootcamp class at the Rec all count as activities worthy to be followed by a giant glass of the good stuff.

Women especially need extra calcium to fortify the bones that much of high intensity exercise is so hard on. Dairy-based fats are especially important for this calcium intake as they help along the process in the digestive system. Finally, milk (especially 1 and 2 percent) are relatively high in water content to replace the liquids lost through sweat. Sure, regular water replaces these, but it only hydrates, it doesn’t rehabilitate your muscles or provide energy to last throughout the day post-workout.

Are there differences between chocolate milks? Sure there are. You should go for pre-made milks, not the add syrup variety. Also, go for 1 and 2 percent. Whole chocolate milk is far too thick to really sit well in your stomach post-workout, and the fat content is a bit higher than these reports suggest is beneficial. The important part to look at in your milk selection is the amount of sugar and the caloric count. As with the fat, a little sugar is prime for your muscles and energy, but too much is antithetical to the whole workout process.

Most people think working out ends when you stop running, swimming, or lifting. WRONG. It ends once you’ve taken care of the body you worked so hard for.

Got milk?



Josh is a graduate student pursuing his Master's degree in History. He has Bachelors degrees in both History and Creative Writing.