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Consistency is Key: How to Succeed in the Gym

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

For many, going to the gym can be an intimidating experience. Are people watching me? Am I doing this right? How do I work this muscle? Why am I not seeing any progress? All of these questions are common and can cause some insecurity surrounding working out. What people don’t realize is that even the strongest person in the gym started somewhere. Progress takes time and dedication, and does not happen overnight. 

I have been working out for 4 years, but I started a consistent routine more recently; about a year and a half ago. Before finding this routine, there was a period of time where I was unsure of myself and lacked confidence while working out. I would try new exercises, and feel insecure of my form or the amount of weight I was able to lift. This feeling is uncomfortable, but it’s a crucial part of a fitness journey. 

Now, the gym is my source of confidence. I work out six out of seven days of the week (don’t forget to take a rest day!) first thing in the morning. After a workout, I feel fulfilled and ready to take on my day. The gym has become a key part of who I am, and I have been able to gain more muscle than I ever thought I could.

The key to success in the gym is to develop beneficial habits and to keep a consistent routine. Here are some skills I swear by that have helped me achieve my fitness goals:

Set goals

Whether I was hoping to be able to lift a certain amount of weight or look a certain way, I had a goal to work towards that motivated me to consistently work out.

Push yourself

In order to gain muscle, pushing myself is crucial. While a certain exercise, weight, or amount of reps may have scared me at first, I learned that it is important to try things outside of your comfort zone. Some day, that intimidating weight will be a warm up!

Set aside a block of time each day to workout

Having the “I’ll get it done when I can” mindset is dangerous because as the day progresses, the likelihood of gaining that sudden motivation to work out is slim. I set aside a block of time each day to dedicate to my workout. Make a fun calendar to help you remember!

Create a workout plan

The term “workout plan” can be intimidating, but it can be as simple as a list of four exercises you plan to do during your time at the gym. I have a plan of action to minimize the aimless wandering around the gym. This not only me saves time, but also saves me from feeling out of place or overwhelmed. 

Keep a positive mindset

Thinking positively can make going to the gym a much more enjoyable experience. Personally, I use positive self talk. An example of this is, “I am strong and I will lift this weight”, rather than things like “this is way too hard I can’t do this.” 

Seek help

Whether you turn to the internet or a peer, you may find yourself needing some help learning a certain exercise, or finding where to start in general. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness and may save you from struggling more in the long run. Signing up for a class is another great way to learn and potentially make new friends who have similar goals!

In the end, we go to the gym because we want to work on ourselves. Not every workout will be perfect and sometimes it may be uncomfortable. Regardless of this, show up, take up space, and push yourself to accomplish your goals! You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Emma Leute

Merrimack '26

My name is Emma and I am a sophomore at Merrimack College! I am majoring in computer science with minors in math and biology. In my free time, I am most likely at the gym. I also play club ice hockey and am a part of the honors program at MC!