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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

The early months of the new year are always a struggle for me. The excitement and chaos of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s has finally faded away, the weather is gloomy, to-do list never seem to end, and finding motivation is harder than ever. This is the winter blues.

Personally, I have struggled with the winter blues for many years. I always try to convince myself that this winter season will be different, but it always seems to slowly creep back into my life. I know it’s temporary, and mostly a side effect from Canada’s crazy weather and school’s busy schedule, but sometimes it feels like this feeling will never go away.

But don’t stress! Spring is here, which means it’s time to switch things up. Here are 3 refreshing tips on how you can overcome the winter blues.

Spice up your wardrobe

Winter clothing can be cute, until you’re walking to school for an 8am class in minus twenty weather. Nothing is worse than sitting in a three-hour lecture with layers of clothes and wet socks, but this weather is no longer our reality. Get ready to bring out your spring jackets and sneakers! This will keep you feeling refreshed and confident after the long winter months.

create your own holidays or events

Having small milestones to look forward to can help give you some motivation and make time move faster. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive, just something that makes you happy and excited. For example, start a book club with your roommates, or celebrate your dog’s birthday. Don’t forget to take pictures as it can be a great reminder in the future that the winter blues weren’t too bad!

Find a new routine

Now that the days are starting to get longer and the sun is shining more, it’s time to create a new routine to get out of hibernation mode. It doesn’t have to be a drastic shift, as the smallest changes can make the biggest difference. Some ideas I have been incorporating lately is going for evening walks with my roommates and eating my lunch at a picnic table. This has truly been a game changer for my mental health.

While the winter blues may feel endless and out of your control, just remember it’s only a phase. Enjoy what spring has to offer and follow these tips to help overcome the winter blues!

Chelsea Ogden

McMaster '23

Chelsea is a 2023 Communications Studies graduate from McMaster University. She is passionate about writing and looks forward to pursuing her goal of working in the entertainment and consumer industry as a public relations practitioner. Her Campus has provided her with the opportunity to have a creative outlet and to gain experience as a writer.