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5 Last Minute Tips for a Bikini Ready Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MBU chapter.

With Spring Break coming up, we all want to look our best. Here are five tips to look hot while at the beach.

1.     Drink lots of water

Drinking water not only decreases bloating and helps remove toxins but it can decrease hunger between meals.

2.     Avoid overly fatty or greasy foods

Foods that seem to be drenched in fat can cause bloating and in general have a higher caloric count. If you avoid them, you’ll feel better and cleaner as well as avoid breakouts and greasy skin.

3.     Sleep a lot

Try to schedule your studying so you can still get eight hours of sleep. We know it sounds hard but it will really help. And it will help with your energy levels (duh) and staying healthy in the cold weather.

4.     Skip the elevator

Taking the stairs will help increase blood flow and will incorporate more exercise into your daily routine. It can also help increase brain productivity.

5.     Love yourself

The most important thing to do so you look awesome on the beach is love yourself. If you feel confident and comfortable, you will definitely have a better time. Also, feeling good about yourself creates positive energy and happiness that people will notice. A beautiful smile is the most important accessory! 

Katherine Draves is a student in the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted at Mary Baldwin College. She is a Theatre major with a focus in theatre literature and history. When she isn't in class or at rehearsal, she loves to relax with Netflix or a good book. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Katherine is an avid fan of the Seahawks and new Broadway shows.  
Rachel Heacock is a second-year at the University of Virginia. She is an Applied Statistics major with a concentration in Actuarial Finance with interest in an English minor. When she isn't watching baseball, she's in class, studying, or reading up on FanGraphs and MLB Trade Rumors. Born and raised in Northern Virginia, Rachel loves attending Washington Nationals games or relaxing at her southern lake house with her Lab-German Shepherd mixed puppy.