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5 Goals You Can Successfully Commit to this Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

It’s the start of the spring semester, and even though New Years was just a month ago, you’re probably already feeling the heat from your classes and on your third cup of coffee by 2pm. With a new schedule, new places to be, and new faces to see, why not dedicate this spring semester and all of 2014 to a new and better you?

Before college, New year’s resolutions and change seemed difficult and tough to manage on such a tight schedule. Getting up at 6 a.m. and getting home from school to be bombarded with extra-curriculars and homework was no one’s idea of a good time. But being at university has its perks, and this semester, with a newfound independence and freedom, you have the opportunity to take life by the reigns and be the queen of your own castle (or dorm room).

Here are some of the resolutions or goals you’ve probably made in the past, but can actually accomplish this spring. It’s time for you to follow your dreams, free your spirit, and shine.

1. Get in Shape

Building muscle and toning up seems to be the classic resolution that you make every year along with everyone else in the family. But now that you’re in college, getting fit this spring is a totally accessible goal. If your school has a gym, and most do, then your membership fee has been taken care of in your room & board or tuition. With cardio equipment galore and tons of weights to lift (pun very much intended), the gym is the perfect place for you and your roomie or residence hall buddies to hit in between classes. Not only is this a great way to catch up with friends from last semester, but you’ll be burning calories and feeling great inside and out. Also make sure to check out the fitness classes your university offers. You can shake your booty in Zumba, kick some booty in boxing, and get your booty in the air a’la downward dog in yoga. And if the gym environment doesn’t satisfy you, don’t forget the multitude of intramural sports teams or health clubs your university probably has. I hear some schools even have a quidditch team. Who knows, maybe you’ll finally meet your Ron Weasley?


2. Eat Healthier

Getting your veggies in goes along with getting in shape and it is just as easy to do now that you’re in college. Maybe you doubt me… does the freshmen fifteen ring a bell? I remember when I started at university I feared the freshmen fifteen like it was the apocalypse. Well guess what? 2012 happened and we’re still here. Gaining weight is not the end of the world, and neither is that bagel you had for breakfast. If you’re used to a diet of mac n’ cheese and ramen noodles at unspeakable hours, then take your goals for healthy eating slowly this semester. Try and make it to the dining hall for starters, and before even scoping out what’s on the menu, navigate your way to the salad bar and fill up on a big plate or bowl of veggies. If you’re hungry for more, then try the 50/25/25 approach. Fill your plate with 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% carb. This way the protein satisfies your hunger, the carbs satisfy your taste buds (you can still have that macaroni and cheese!) and the veggies keep you packed with vitamins and not with calories. And if you’ve got a sweet tooth like me, grab a piece of fruit for dessert. You’ve got the resources to make a great change this semester, but most importantly, treat yourself with kindness and forget about dieting. A restrictive mentality will only hurt you. Be mindful of your choices and how food makes you feel, and know that you’re beautiful just the way you are.

3. Improve Your Grades

Ahh, this can be a tough one. Especially when going out on the weekends or a Netflix marathon is your first choice for festivities on Friday night. If your GPA took a downward slope in the fall, now is the perfect time to get back on track and plan ahead for how you can succeed this semester. First things first, stay organized. If you don’t have a weekly planner from your university then now is the time to get one. You can find academic planners at your school store, online or any office store. Write down all of your assignments, any events you are planning on attending, and budget your time around those events to make sure you can get all of your work done. If you have a hard time working in your dorm, try the library, computer lab, an empty classroom, or even a local coffee shop. If you work better in group settings, get a group of people together from your major or a class you are struggling in once a week. You can help each other with assignments, study for exams, and make new friends in the process. Maybe even set up a Facebook group so you can alert one another on due dates or post questions you may have between classes. Also, don’t forget to take advantage of your school’s tutoring services. There are plenty of upperclassmen with experience who would love to help you with your psych homework. And last but not least, get a good night’s sleep! Pulling all-nighters will affect your energy, attitude, and mood in negative ways you know all too well. Let’s avoid them this semester, shall we?


4. Be in a Relationship

That beauty sleep comes in handy in more than one department, doesn’t it? Looking renewed and refreshed every morning is sure to catch the eye of any cutie in your classes, and because it’s the start of the semester, now is the time to pounce (figuratively, of course). For most of us it has been less than a month since being back on campus, meaning that you’re probably still getting to know most of the new faces in your courses. If you’re kind of shy and quiet like me, then it can be hard to say hello and introduce yourself to the boy sitting next to you in class. He, or she, however, doesn’t know that about you. Take the chance now to say hello and make buddies with the people sitting around you. Even if you don’t become best friends, you’ll make new acquaintances, which leads to new connections and a better chance at love this spring. Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll even make a study date with a classmate or two. Outside of class the opportunities are endless. Hit the gym, join a club, download a dating app like Tinder, or attend any of the variety of events on campus. Take risks by putting yourself out there and staying connected. You never know, maybe the boy in the choir concert you attend is the lead singer of a super cool rock band that plays gigs off campus on the weekends. How about a serenade?

5. Travel to New Places

Being in college is the best time to travel and see the world. You may not know it, but study abroad opportunities at most schools range from time periods of one year to one week. Contact your study abroad office to learn about opportunities that apply to your major or field of study. Who needs Miami for spring break when you could be painting on a beach in Greece or snorkeling in Belize? Not only can you pick from a variety of exciting places, but you can pay the same price as you’re paying for tuition now to go there. A semester in London or Japan will be close in price range to what you are paying for classes and campus life now. And if study abroad doesn’t sound like an option for you, feel free to make your way cross country with your girls in your bestie’s car. A little road trip here and there can spice up your long weekends and give you some much needed bonding time with the girls.


Whether it’s making your way to the gym or the dining hall at a normal hour, boosting you GPA to star status, falling in love, or seeing the world this semester, this spring is the time to make your dreams come true. Put yourself out there, stay connected, plan ahead, and take time off to soothe your soul. Forget about bad habits you had in the past, stay true to yourself and dedicated to your resolutions this semester, practice self-love and acceptance, and you are bound to blossom into the new and better you.

Growing up in a free-spirited family, Amanda was always interested in the arts, whether it was writing, painting or making movies with her friends. She is a graphic design major who has a passion for fashion, film, and all things fantasy. After graduating from University she plans on pursuing a career in design, and to continue writing for pleasure (or profit!).