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How to Fall in Love With Running (Yes It’s Possible!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

I’ve been running on average five days a week for the last seven years. The first four years, I competed on my high school track and cross country teams and loved it so much I continued in college. And I get the same two questions all the time.

“You actually like running?” and “How do you not get bored of it?”

The truth is, running has become a major part of my life. It’s more than a hobby—it’s my passion.

It hasn’t always been that way. My first day of cross country, I could barely keep up on our one-mile warm-up. As the past seven years of races, long runs, and sprint workouts went by, I’ve eventually gathered a whole list of answers to those two questions.

You’re probably reading this because you’re looking to revamp your exercise regimen in the hope of achieving that perfect summer bod, and you’re in luck because running is one of the most effective full body exercises.

It’s not hard to fall in love with running, it just takes some motivation and a few simple steps.

1. Find a Buddy

I was fortunate enough to have two of my best friends from my high school teams come to UMD with me, but runners are one big community where everyone is welcome. There will always be people who run the same pace as you who also want that extra motivation to keep moving. My runs are the time to catch up with my friends, talk about whatever we need to get off our chests, and leave all that stress out on the road. Next time you’re meeting a friend to catch up, skip that dinner date and suggest a run instead!

2. Gear Up

Running gear is expensive, but it’s worth the investment because having comfortable yet cute workout outfits makes all the difference for me. Whenever I buy a new pair of shoes or fun-patterned leggings or colorful athletic shorts, I can’t wait to put them on and show them off. Somehow, having these nice clothes makes me feel stronger and more confident, which boosts my form and pace while running. Tip: I like to shop at Old Navy—their fitness apparel is just as cute as Nike or Under Armour, but a lot more affordable and often on sale!

3. Go Somewhere New

It can be hard to get out everyday and run when you’re doing the same route five days a week. In College Park, I like to mix up running on our hilly campus and on the flat off-campus Paint Branch trails. On weekends, I like to metro into D.C. and run the National Mall, which is perfect because it’s a long, flat stretch with some great views of the Washington Monument and Capitol. If you’re traveling, you get bonus points for still getting out there! So this spring break, whether you find yourself on vacation, at home, or in College Park, make your runs an adventure rather than a chore.

4. Sign Up For a Race

Whether it’s a 5K or a half marathon, it’s a goal for you to work toward, and registration usually comes with a free t-shirt! If you want to feel like even more of a champion, look for races that give out finisher medals, because nothing makes me feel more accomplished than crossing a finish line and having someone place the prize around my neck like I just won the Olympics. Then you get to display the medals like I do and always feel proud of what you achieved!

5. Believe in Yourself

This one sounds cheesy, but I always have people telling me they’re afraid to run in public because they’re slow, or they have bad form, or they’re not a real runner. Truth is, everyone who runs is a runner (seriously look at the Merriam-Webster definition!) and whether your pace is a 10-minute mile or four-minute mile, you’re still running. You should feel powerful, unstoppable, fierce and not judged on a run because what you’re doing will always be impressive.

Terp, sophomore journalism major, runner and lover of all things edible!