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10 Signs You Are the Neat Freak Housemate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

1. The sight of dishes piled in the sink or playing Jenga with clean dishes on the drying rack makes you want to die.

2. You will not cook or eat on a counter with a crumb on it.

Like have you heard of a Lysol wipe? I keep the big container right here on this dirty counter!

3. You wipe door handles, light switches and sink faucets multiple times a day.

4. Toothpaste stains are nonexistent on the sinks in your house. 

5. Chore charts are present on every floor of your home. 

6. Not a week goes by that you break the chore schedule to skip vacuuming the floor and cleaning the toilet.

7. Trash cans do not exceed their maximum capacity. 

8.  Your house is one of the only ones on campus that has a mop and bucket…that has actually been used. 

9. You dust. A lot. 

10. The Tupperware or used knife that has been on the counter for three days is literally ruining…your…life!