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How To Eat Healthy In Locke’s Loft

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Eating healthy in college can be a CHALLENGE. You’re surrounded by tons of fast food joints, delis, and pizza places, all of which seem to whisper your name in the late hours of the night. But even eating healthy in Locke’s can be difficult (helllllllooooo soft serve ice cream machine). With spring break (and summer) just around the corner, you want to make sure you’re going to look smokin’ in your swimsuit! So here are some tips on how to eat healthy in Locke’s!

1. Drink water, not soda! We all know that soda is bad for us, but when you have such a wide selection to choose from (and free refills) it’s hard NOT to drink it with every meal. Do your very best to avoid soda and go with water–you’ll save calories, feel fuller, and avoid the sugar crash! 

2. Eat your fruit & veggies! With breakfast, grab a bowl of fruit or a banana to give you energy and essential nutrients. For lunch/dinner, make yourself a salad at the salad bar. Add some grilled chicken and a low-fat dressing, like balsamic vinegar, and you’ve got yourself a super healthy meal!

3. Get yo’ grains! There are two easy ways to get those much needed multi-grains in Locke’s: the multi-grain bread and the brown rice. Grab two slices of multi-grain (you know, the one with the seeds in it) or whole wheat bread. Toast those suckers up nice, top with some peanut butter and BAM! Breakfast of champs, y’all. If it’s dinner time, take advantage of the home cooking station! Grab some brown rice, some grilled chicken, and some fresh veggies and cook yourself a little stir fry! But go easy on all the additives, like teriyaki sauce.

4. AVOID THE COOKIES. Especially when they’re soft and warm. You literally will not be able to stop at just one and before you know it you’ve already had 5 (I may or may not know this from personal experience).

5. Dip into some dairy! If you are craving dessert, go for some vanilla or strawberry yogurt to satisfy your sweet tooth. Top it with some granola or add some fruit and you’ve got yourself a delicious, healthy dessert!  

So there you have it ladies, it is indeed possible to eat healthy in Locke’s! It takes a lot of self control to avoid all of the fried foods and sweets that are offered, but if you start replacing them with the things listed above, you’ll notice a huge difference in how you feel (and look)! Keep hitting the gym on the reg, but always remember that abs are made in the kitchen!