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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Niamh Withers

No matter your fitness goal, walking into the gym for the first time can be extremely intimidating. With all the different machines and equipment, it’s hard to know exactly where to begin. The following are just a few ways on how to build your confidence when headed to the gym for the very first time! 

Have a plan. 

Will you start at the treadmill, then make your way to the weight section? Do you want a full body workout? Or perhaps you want to split up the days, doing arms one day and focusing on your legs the next! What exact exercises will you do? It’s important to consider precisely what your workout will consist of each week. Making a weekly plan will help to ensure you stay consistent with your routine!

Find movements that make you feel good.

This might take you a while to do. Everyone is different and not everyone will like the same workouts. You’ll have to experiment with many different exercises to find which are the right ones for you!

Make a good playlist. 

Music does wonders in affecting our moods. Make sure you have a playlist full of songs that motivate you and pump you up! Personally, I like to listen to songs that make me angry because it pushes me to focus and work harder in the gym.

Meal Prep.

Food not only gives the body energy, but also allows it to heal after a tough workout. It’s very important to make sure you eat enough food after the gym. Be sure it suits your fitness goal’s needs! For example, if you want to gain muscle, make sure your meals are high in protein in order for you to reach your daily protein intake.

Get a cute gym outfit. 

Look good, feel good, do good. A popular phrase that holds great power. If you feel confident in your gym outfit, you’ll feel less intimidated when walking in. A good outfit can make anyone feel like they own the place! 

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or just focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, adding the gym to your daily routine can be a huge hassle. It’s important to make sure you stay consistent and remember that rest days are just as important as your workout days!

Niamh is a junior at Manhattan College studying Marketing with a minor in digital arts and humanities. She loves animals and heavily enjoys art, music, & podcasts.