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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

It’s been almost a year since we have first heard the words “stay at home”, “stop the spread”, and “wear a mask” and not much has changed. We are all tired of our new normal and are longing for the future when we do not need to fear going out in public. Until then, it’s important to find ways to cope with this seemingly never-ending anxiety surrounding our daily lives. While we are taking precautions to keep others and ourselves safe, we also need to take time to step away and be present in the moment. Here’s a list to try and calm your nerves and hopefully help the fatigue we are all experiencing during this pandemic.

1. Exercise 

I have never been someone who has enjoyed exercise, but it is a great way for relieving stress! Exercise releases endorphins, a hormone that relieves stress and pain. I especially love running or walking outdoors which is another way to avoid the feelings of COVID fatigue. Getting even a few minutes of fresh air can relieve unwanted stress. 

2. Separate work from home 

Due to the pandemic, more people are working and taking classes from home. It is difficult to find time to relax when you’re constantly surrounded by your work. To separate yourself from your work, do your schoolwork outside of your bedroom. Or set specific times for when you are ‘at work’ and ‘at home’. Also, remember to keep a routine! Routines can be a great way to help you stay on task. 

3. Stay social while being distant

We all know the importance of being physically distant from others during this time. But you can still be in touch with your friends and family! Make time to call and Facetime each other to try to be social. You can even do a Netflix watch party or play games online together. Although this isn’t the ideal situation for remaining social, there are ways to stay connected. 

4. Limit screen time

Out of all the tips, this is the one I need the most help on. Limiting screen time has never been a concern of mine in the past, but now that everything has been switched to online, there is such a thing as too much. Remember to take many breaks throughout the day for you to step away from any of your devices. Instead, you can read your favorite book or take a walk outdoors! Another way to limit screen time is by setting limits on your devices for certain apps. This is a good way to prevent mindless scrolling on Tik Tok. 

5. Practice mindfulness 

Pandemic or not, being mindful is a skill you will always need. Being mindful is a type of meditation where you just focus on being in the present moment. One way to practice being mindful is by sitting outside with pen and paper and taking notes on things you see, smell, touch, and hear. Another way to practice mindfulness is by journaling about your thoughts. An example of a journal prompt is to write down 5 things you are grateful for. All of these techniques can help you ground yourself!   I hope you use these tips in the future and you can avoid your own COVID-19 fatigue!   

Juliette Cazzari

Manhattan '23

Hi! I’m a sophomore at Manhattan College majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations.