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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

There has been a growing interest in vegetarianism within the past few years. Many people have been concerned with farming practices and welfare, so they’ve turned to change their lifestyles. However, there’s diversity in plant-based lifestyles. Here are definitions for these different lifestyles. 


Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian

Outsource Photo
A person who is an ovo-lacto vegetarian eat fruits and vegetables and dairy and egg products. While they’ll stay away from meats, they may eat eggs or cheese or drink dairy milk. They may also use leather and honey. 


pan full of lobsters and seafood
A person who is a pescatarian eats fruits, vegetables, and seafood products. They still may eat fish, shrimp, lobsters, crawfish, and crab, while avoiding meats like steak, chicken, and pork. 


packaged fruits and signs set up at a booth at a farmer's market
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
A person who is a fruitarian eats fruits…that’s it. They’ll stay away from meats, eggs, dairy products, and vegetables! 


Three pre-made meals in containers
Photo by Ella Olsen from Pexels

A person who is a vegan will eat fruits and vegetables. They’ll stay away from meats, eggs, dairy products, and anything that has had a face. 


There’s a whole diversity of plant-based lifestyles, each with its own focus. A thought to remember is that to find a lifestyle that is congruent with you. Try it out, and you may just like it!

Caitlin Mercier

Louisiana Tech '22

I am fourth year in the doctoral Counseling Psychology program at Louisiana Tech University. I love reading, writing, and cooking. Fun fact: I am a vegan!
I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!