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Twenty-Five Interesting Things to Ask Alexa When You’re Bored

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Since everyone is stuck in their homes to practice social distancing, boredom is bound to creep in. While you can watch movies, read, and take a walk outside, I thought it would be fun to give you something silly, yet entertaining to do within the walls of your home. Let’s ask our smart devices questions. Depending on whether you’re using an Alexa, Siri, or another smart device, the answers to these commands may vary. Personally, I’m using my Alexa device. Try out these commands and hopefully, you’ll end up laughing on the floor or confused at what the heck she’s talking about. Either way, it’ll shine a little light on your quarantine day. 

  1. Alexa, tell me some good news.

  2. Alexa, how are you doing today?

  3. Alexa, tell me a quote.

  4. Alexa, do you like your job?

  5. Alexa, is your refrigerator running?

  6. Alexa, what’s your favorite song?

  7. Alexa, tell me a joke.

  8. Alexa, who’s the coolest person you know?

  9. Alexa, how much do you weight?

  10. Alexa, sing me a song.

  11. Alexa, how high can you count?

  12. Alexa, do you have a favorite color?

  13. Alexa, what is the meaning of life?

  14. Alexa, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

  15. Alexa, what’s your favorite animal?

  16. Alexa, do you have feelings?

  17. Alexa, give me a compliment.

  18. Alexa, do you have any pets?

  19. Alexa, what’s your favorite movie?

  20. Alexa, how old are you?

  21. Alexa, what’s your favorite character?

  22. Alexa, do you love?

  23. Alexa, I’ve got 99 problems.

  24. Alexa, do you know Siri?

  25. Alexa, give me a beat.

While the answers for each statement may vary, your boredom will disappear and a smile is bound to stretch across your face. I hope you enjoyed your little conversation with Alexa.


As a little girl, I spent hours writing stories. Obviously they weren't exactly bestsellers, but it was my passion nevertheless. I would fill up my notebooks with everything I didn't know how to say out loud, and anything I could imagine. Now, as a college student, I'm chasing my dream one word at a time. I'm currently studying English and Marketing, with the intention of becoming an editor.
Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.