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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Sometimes, the smallest life hacks can be the biggest life-changers. Here are some (very) random and small but great life hacks that have personally helped me big time:

Use some waterproof mascara to keep your lashes curled 

Curling your lashes is always a must before putting on mascara, but sometimes, those curls don’t last. Personally, my lashes would always fall after a few hours. However, a friend of mine told me to use waterproof mascara to help keep my lashes curled. It sounded kind of odd to me at first, but it works! I usually curl my lashes and then put just one layer of waterproof mascara and then two more layers of regular mascara. It’s best to not overdo it with waterproof mascara since it can take a toll on your lashes.

Use button pins for loose jeans

There have been several times where my pants fit me almost perfectly but were still loose around my waist, even though they were supposedly my size. I know belts are a thing, but I stumbled across this TikTok that introduced me to these cool button pins that you can insert into your jeans next to the real button and then use it like normal making your jeans fit tighter around the waist! They are honestly a lifesaver for me since I don’t like using belts all that much.

Workout in the morning to be consistent

Working out in the morning (if you don’t have class) can really help with consistency if you’re having trouble with that. I’ve found that going to the gym or on a run right when I wake up gives me more energy throughout the day and helps me make exercising a regular thing in my schedule. Exercising in the morning before class or before you do anything else will get you moving for the day, and you can cross that off your to-do list right away. I’ve found that waiting until later in the day to exercise never works because I get super busy with schoolwork and then decide to put off working out. In other words, it’s good to get your exercise in before you get too busy or stressed! It’s great for your mental health and can act as a distraction from your worries.

Put your alarm across the room

If you’re like me and either set a million alarms or hit snooze over and over again, then this quick hack might help. All you have to do is distance yourself from your alarm by placing it somewhere across the room. That way when it goes off, you’re forced to get out of bed and walk over to where it is to shut it off. Now, you can’t just hit snooze and go back to sleep, you have to physically get out of bed and turn it off. This will help you wake up and become alert right off the bat instead of closing your eyes for “just five more minutes.” 

Mug recipes for quick meals

If you don’t have the time to cook an entire meal or just don’t like cooking that often, then mug recipes are fantastic and take less than five minutes to make! I usually use this hack for breakfast and sometimes dessert. After spraying the inside of a mug with cooking spray, put two eggs and a few spoons of milk of your choice in a microwave-safe mug and then mix it. Put it in the microwave for about 50 seconds, stir again and then put the mug back in the microwave for another 30 seconds. Now you have instant eggs, and you can add any toppings you want! I usually throw in cheese and pieces of meat before cooking the eggs to give them more flavor and then add some salt and pepper on top afterward and eat them with some yogurt on the side!