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The Valentine’s Day Self Care Routine to #TreatYoSelf with (Because Self Love is the Best Love)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In the midst of all the love Valentine’s Day brings, it is important to make sure you give yourself some love too! Whether you are staying in for the night or need to prepare for a date the evening of Valentine’s Day, here is a self-care night routine, Valentine’s Day edition!

How I like to start off my night is by taking a hot shower or a bath with a bath bomb, whichever you prefer.After my normal skincare routine, I liked to throw in a fun face mask. A fun Valentine’s Day- like face mask is the Que Bella Watermelon one from Target! The Que Bella face masks are great inexpensive peel off masks and they come in many different kinds.



Next, make your favorite hot beverage, while you continue to get ready or while you watch a movie if you are staying in. For Valentine’s Day here is a list of some great Rom Coms on  Netflix! If you are staying in, having friends (or your S.O.) over make a sweet treat! Check out our Her Campus Lasell Pinterest board for some ideas.

Another option is to do your nails at home. I find it very therapeutic and it saves money.  Try a fun painted heart design!  If you have some extra time, do some yoga or meditate. Even just a quick ten minutes, it can really put you in the right mindset. Spotify has some great “Spa Time” playlists.  

Journaling can really put you in the right mindset as well. Again, it can be quick. Take five minutes to write all your thoughts down, so you feel less overwhelmed or write some things down you are grateful for. Recently, I have been trying to write down three things I am grateful for everyday and it really puts me in a more positive mindset and it’s perfect for spreading the love this month. 

Honestly, do whatever makes you happy. Self- care is about making yourself happy and taking care of your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether you are staying in for the night, hanging out with friends, our going on a date, I hope everyone has an amazing and relaxing Valentine’s Day!


Emalee is a Senior at Lasell University and the President of Her Campus Lasell. She is currently a Campus Community Management Intern for Her Campus! She is a Fashion Merchandising and Management major and a Communications minor. Besides Her Campus, she is the President of Newman Society, loves taking photos, going for hikes, and going to the beach.