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Hear Me Out: Spring Semester Is WAY Tougher than Fall Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Spring semester can be very tough. We’ve spent the last month relaxing, spending time with family, and de stressing from fall semester. Now, we’re expected to go back and have another semester while we are just getting out of break mode. Spring semester is very different from fall semester and comes with its own set of challenges and stress. 

1. Applying for summer jobs 

We have to use the spring semester to not only go to class and get good grades, but we also have to worry about landing a great summer job/internship, as we are inching closer and closer to summer. My advice for this is to spend a few hours early on in the semester researching possible job opportunities and setting up interviews. Try to ask for phone or Facetime interviews, which would not force you to squeeze a million interviews into spring break, but allow you to work them in around your class schedule. 

2. Managing classes 

Many times, we use the spring semester to take an extra class to make sure we are on track for graduation. This can affect us greatly as we will now have to manage all of our clubs and jobs, as well as an extra class. Make sure to keep a schedule that gives you certain times to work on school work, to make sure everything gets done. 

3. You may be over everything

When it gets to spring semester, we are really just ready for everything to be over. This means we can be more easily frustrated by our classes, roommates, friends, etc. try to make time for yourself to rest, listen to music, watch some Netflix, and most importantly relax. 

These are some of the things that have the biggest impact on our spring semester and can impact our moods and emotions. Making sure to go at everything we do with a calm approach can make it much easier to handle.


Anna Wall

Lasell '22

Lasell University Event Management Student, Class of 2022. She loves llamas, event planning, and country music :)