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Why I Will Always Make Time for Self Care and You Should Too

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

It was March of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic was on the rise, and my anxiety was spiraling out of control. On top of that, my boyfriend of two years had just dumped me out of the blue. Not a great time to be dealing with all this stress to say the least. I was a mess. 

Although eating pints upon pints of Ben and Jerry’s and listening to Taylor Swift albums on repeat while I bawled my eyes out temporarily banished my woes, I knew there had to be a better way for me to manage my overwhelming feelings.

To be honest, it was a tough journey getting where I am now, learning to be independent, and not rely on someone else fully to show me love. I’m by no means perfect now, and I still have days where it’s too hard to care for myself. When those days come around, I remind myself there’s one person I’ve got for life and that’s myself. It’s time to show her some love. 

There are so many simple ways to incorporate self care into your life, and honestly sometimes all it takes is five minutes out of your day. The benefits to this are honestly life changing and a great way to change your perspective. 

The greatest thing about self-care is the opportunity to truly be alone with yourself, and your thoughts without the influence of others. Yes, this can be daunting, but also allows you to check in with yourself, and show your mind and body kindness and love.

Here’s some of my go-to self care ideas: 

  1. Journaling

Journaling is a great way to channel your feelings, and get them out rather than keeping them in. All you need is a notebook and a pen. If a blank sheet of paper is too overwhelming I would highly recommend, The Five Minute Journal. It takes five minutes a day with a quick journaling done when you first wake up, and right before you go to sleep. It incorporates gratitude, goal setting, affirmations, and reflection on your days. A good way to stay mindful!

  1. Pamper yourself

Talk about a cliche, but this was one of my favorite activities during the height of the pandemic.. I would set my phone aside, be really present for each step of my skin care routine, and make it into a positive, reflective moment of the day. If you like face masks, do one. If you like doing your own nails, do that too! 

  1. Yoga and meditation

This is a tricky one sometimes, especially when you’re feeling a lot of emotions. Super good to take some time to slow down and breathe, and it has lots of physical benefits. 

Remember to take care of yourself and be kind. Much love. 

Avery Gillett

Lafayette '24

junior at lafayette studying psychology and international affairs. lover of chocolate, yoga, and a self care night