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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

If you think about it, your body is a blank canvas. You can decorate it with jewelry, polish your fingernails, get a tattoo, cut your hair—you get the idea. My appreciation for clothing, in particular, started in high school and continues as I get older. I’m no stranger to the phrase “dress to impress” and have quite honestly lived by it—until COVID-19 hit. In the early months of the pandemic, it seemed like there was no reason to “dress up.” As a result, I wore leggings and sweaters daily and rarely styled my hair. If I’m just guessing here—you, the reader, probably felt the same way as I did.


As enticing as wearing pajamas to zoom meetings was, I found that putting myself “together” even just a little bit each day helped me stay motivated and productive during the Fall 2020 semester. Before I get into my tips, I believe it is important for the reader to define what putting themselves together means. Does it mean curled hair and a necklace? Or a bold eyeshadow look with a matching sweater? After you’ve taken a minute to reflect, read on to hear what putting myself together means to me—in a pandemic.


Tip #1: The Trio: Brows, Mascara, & Concealer

The three makeup items I cannot live without are my eyebrow pencil/brow mascara, (actual) mascara, and my concealer. On an everyday basis, even before the pandemic, less is more for me. Brows are pretty boring, but they are critical. The more you practice filling in your brows, the faster you will become at it. Brow mascara is great for the days when you don’t have time to draw on your brows. Mascara and concealer are relatively quick and easy to apply and help me look more awake.


Tip #2: Smell Good, Feel Good

Let’s be honest—I think everyone likes when things smell nice. I like when I, myself, smell good. I have always loved perfume and fragrances and have a deeper appreciation for them now more than ever. The truth is, body chemistry plays a huge role in how a fragrance smells on someone. Your friend’s perfume might smell great on them—but not on you. Have no fear! Experiment with different scents and how they mix with your body chemistry. With a few spritzes of perfume, you’ll feel an instant boost of energy.


Tip #3: Make a Change

Now is a great time to try something new. Cut your hair and dye it purple, or try out that bright blue sweater that still has the tags on in the back of your closet. If you don’t like how something turns out, people won’t know who you are when wearing a mask, so there is no need to feel embarrassed. Either way, do it for yourself. Who cares what people think? Again, if you don’t like something, cool. Don’t do it again, and try something new. I experimented with new hairstyles and cut my hair pretty short, at least for me (just past my shoulders, when it usually just reaches my waist). Style changes can be good because you might discover something new that you end up loving. Don’t be scared. Just go for it.


Final remarks: you do you. No one else has a say in what makes you feel better during such crazy times. I hope I have inspired you, my dear reader. Until next time, stay safe.


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Rebecca Kane

Lafayette '23

Major: English Smoothie-holic. Keeping my dreams alive by hitting the snooze button. Open to any and all song recommendations.
Layla Ennis

Lafayette '23

Junior at Lafayette College