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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Salle chapter.

Acupuncture is an old form of ancient medicine that is designed to help with blood flow. What happens is Qi (energy throughout the body) releases and different forms of Qi travel to create new energy in that part of the body. Not only does it work with energy, but it also helps with the blood flow. If you have ever seen “cupping” and how dark those spots get, it is because of the stale qi that has been there, and it is releasing so new blood flow and come in. I use my bed of nails, which is a mat with spikes in it, I lay down on it for 20 min and new blood flow travels to the area I am sitting on.

Throughout my whole life, I have had back pain.  In my sophomore year of high school, I had stress fractures in my back, and I was out of any activity for six months. Not only was it physically draining, but it was also mentally draining to not do anything for six months. Although I can play my sport now, I still struggle with back pain.

I am a huge believer in ancient medicine. I love the idea that turmeric can help with swelling and techniques like cupping and Graston. I started using my bed of nails about a month ago and I am obsessed. I lay on it for twenty minutes a day and feel so much better when I get up. My back turns bright red and I can feel the new blood flow releasing in my back, I feel so relaxed and my back does loosen up.

If you do have back problems, I would highly suggest a bed of nails. You just lay on it for 20 min a day and you will notice the back pain starts to disappear. It is very uncomfortable at first but after the 20 minutes is over, I feel so much better. Not only does it help with back pain, but It helps with any type of pain, I have used it all over and really notice a difference. You can get it on Amazon for about 20$ and it is worth it!  

Emily Conaway

La Salle '20

My name is Emily Conaway, I am a junior public relations major at La Salle University. I am not really a stop and smell the roses person but more of a stop and pet your dog type of person.
Jessica is a student athlete Communication Major at La Salle University, with concentrations in Public Relations and Communication Management. Along with being a member of the track team, she contributes as an intern and author for Double G Sports, and is a campus correspondent for Her Campus. In her career future, she hopes to work with a Public Relations team for and established sports figure or another well known organization.