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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Sometimes we all just need to sit back and relax. Whether it is a job, school, money, family, or friends: something is always on our mind, and stressing us out. Something that I have really been working on lately, is decreasing that stress while trying to figure out the whole relax thing. I’m sure everyone can relate to this feeling so it’s probably well known that removing stress is easier said than done. My goal here is to generate some ideas of things that someone could do to try to help minimize stress, or even resolve other negative emotions or states. 

  • Light some candles- Turn the lights out, but leave a few candles lit. I find that this atmosphere automatically knocks my stress levels down a notch or two. 
  • Take a shower- When doesn’t a long shower feel good? Some studies have shown that taking a hot shower can actually increase your oxytocin levels, to help mediate anxiety. 
  • Read a book- Reading can actually lower your heart rate and relax your body. 
  • Meditate- Guided or Unguided, meditating is a sure way to feel more calm. 
  • Yoga- This never fails to work for me, even if it’s only 10 minutes of very simple yoga, I always feel more at peace after.
  • Write- Writing about your stress and emotions may help you pinpoint the exact causes and maybe even brainstorm solutions. It feels good to rant on paper. 
  • Exercise- Sometimes this one is tough, especially if you’re feeling particularly lazy. However, exercise can certainly relieve stress and generally improves mood. 
  • Drink tea- Although some teas with high caffeine amounts can actually increase anxiety, there are varieties that assist in calming the body and mind hugely. 
  • Color- Find a pretty picture, make it your own. Coloring may seem odd if you haven’t tried it since you were a kid but, I find that coloring soothes my mind and makes me feel creative. 

I’m sure a lot of people do one or all of these things in hopes of relaxation. There are so many more, but these are my favorites, or things I want to try more. A lot of people don’t actually sit back and take a moment to themselves. Some people just surrender to the stress and don’t adopt any methods of release. My suggestion is that next time you’re feeling particularly stressed, try something you’ve never tried before. If something new doesn’t work, stick to the methods that you know are typically successful for you.