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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

It’s finally happening. After years of studying, working, and freaking out over everything, I am graduating. It honestly feels weird to even say that. I have spent pretty much my entire life being a student that goes to school to take notes, study for tests, and write papers. Now what? Well, it’s time to officially start adulting. Yay? I think. 

Anyway, I thought for my last and final HerCampus article, I would write about graduation. Of course, it’s going to be a listicle. What else would I write?


That moment when you realize you are graduating and you need to be an adult now. 


You’ve been searching for something to do after college, even if it has nothing to do with the degree you’ve spent the past 4+ years studying for.

When your final assignments are due and you honestly forgot their existence.

The only way you can describe college

When people start to ask you what you plan on doing after graduation.

All in all, college is a time in my life that I will cherish forever. Kutztown not only prepared me for my career, but it gave me some of the best memories and experiences I could have ever asked for. It’s because of this time in my life, I met a few of my best friends and grew my writing abilities. I’ve learned more from my professors than I dreamed possible when I just a little freshman. 

Thank you, Kutztown. I will miss you. Stay Golden.