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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

People have practically shouted this at me for years. They told me it was important to find things on campus to be a part of, almost as if it was a requirement for me to find something to do during my free time. Apparently, just watching Netflix all the time is not acceptable. I thought the whole idea of joining a club was ridiculous. I thought it would be a waste of my time and only take away from my studies. But, I was incredibly wrong.

During my freshman year, I was still trying to figure out how to be a full time college student. It was a difficult adjustment to make. Not only did I not have time for a club, I didn’t even know what the school offered. By sophomore year, though, I reached out and managed to find a few organizations that really fit me. Now, as I enter my senior year, I have broadened my horizons and found activities that actually interest me. They didn’t take away from my time to study–if anything, they made me work harder. These clubs introduced me to not only other people in my programs, but to some of my best friends as well!

This is why it’s so important to find a club or organization. It’s a great way to socialize outside of class. They can also help you de-stress from all of your work.  A lot of on campus organizations also offer amazing opportunities, like volunteering, travel, professional, etc. For me, the clubs I am a part of have given me some of the best moments of my college career. Also, it’s a great resume booster to show that you were involved with your school. It helps to show that you can balance your life out between all your responsibilities.

A lot of on campus organizations don’t require a lot from students. There might a few mandatory meetings or activates, but they are pretty laid back. So, get out there and find something to be a part of! I’m sure there is at least one thing offered that you would enjoy.