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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

The gym can be a very intimidating environment to those who have never gone before, especially when it comes to using the machines. I’ve been seeing a lot of workouts on TikTok done with free weights being called “shy girl workouts,” since they are workouts that don’t require machines and are for beginners. When I go to the gym, I don’t use the machines, so here is my “shy girl” workout routine that can be easily modified by weight, sets, or reps to fit anyone’s skill level. It is also structured so that I am not working out the same muscle groups back to back, as that can be straining. 

Day One 

I like to start my weekly gym routine slowly with some stretches and yoga. I also start my workout days walking a few laps on the track or treadmill to get my steps in. I chose what yoga poses I wanted to do and just made my own smooth progression of them, holding each pose for a few seconds to a minute. My routine goes as follows: 

  • Child’s pose 
  • Cat & cow
  • Puppy pose 
  • Sphinx pose 
  • Downward dog 
  • Tree pose (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Back to downward dog 
  • 3 legged dog (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • High lunge 
  • Warrior I (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Warrior II (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Reverse Warrior (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Triangle pose (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Dancer Pose (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Seated twist (hold for a few seconds on each side) 
  • Puppy pose 
  • Child’s pose 

Day 2 

This day is my back and biceps day. It’s also my favorite day, because I love to work on arms. This routine for me is very simple but effective and lets you feel the burn. I do each workout fifteen times and repeat the circuit  three times. I do each with 10 lbs free weight, except for bicep flies when I use 6 lbs, but these can be adjusted as needed. Once you feel that the weight you’re lifting has become too easy, either increase your repetitions or weight. 

  • Bent Rows 
  • Bicep Flys 
  • Bicep Curls 
  • Hammer Curls 
  • Chest Press (done laying on ground)

Day 3 

This day is for my core and abs. All of these workouts are done on the floor, so it’s helpful to have a yoga mat of some kind. Below, I list more workouts than above because I pick and choose what I do each time so I don’t get bored. I try to do eight to ten of them. I also do fifteen reps and three sets. 

  • Leg Extensions 
  • Walking Lunges 
  • Cross Body Crunches 
  • Russian Twist 
  • Toes to Dumbells 
  • Reverses Crunches
  • V-ups
  • Heel Taps 
  • Bicycles 
  • Reverse Plank (hold for one minute)
  • Mountain Climbers 
  • Pyramid Taps 

Day 4

Day 4 is my leg and glutes day; this can be a painful day. Similarly to how I do my core day, I list a lot to pick and choose from. I try to do seven or eight of them each time. I also keep with fifteen reps and three sets. 

  • Hip Thrust 
  • Glute Kickbacks
  • Squats 
  • Hamstring Curls
    • When looking up the image for this, search “hamstring curl with free weight”. I use 10 lbs 
  • Single Leg Bridge
  • Inner Thigh Lifts  
  • Romanian Deadlifts   
  • Split Squats (I like to hold single weight for these) 
  • Sumo Squat (I like to hold single weight for these) 
  • B stance RDL 

Day 5

Last day of my workout routine, shoulders, triceps, and standing core. This is also another one of my favorite days, and I feel a good burn. This day is like biceps, where I do everything listed below with fifteen reps and three sets and the same weights as biceps except peck deck flys and lat raises, where I use 6lbs.  

  • Tricep Extensions 
  • Lat Raises 
  • Shoulder Press 
  • Peck Deck Flys 
  • Plank (1 min)
  • Overhead March with Weight (left arm in air 15 reps, both arms in air 15 reps, right arm in air 15 reps)
  • Around the Worlds
  • Knee to Elbow 
  • 3 Point Crunches 
  • Standing Cross Body Crunches
Maria Pushart

Kutztown '27

Hi! I'm Maria. I'm a public relations major minoring in web development and social media theory & strategy here at Kutztown! Besides HerCampus I also do college radio and I'm a tour guide. I'm a big traveler with a love of cooking, crocheting, and movies & TV.