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5 Things I Learned in the Face of Rejection

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

1. Most important, one thing doesn’t define you.

All of our lives are defined by a series of decisions and actions, not just one moment. All of these events are not going to be happy – statistically speaking it’s highly unlikely, if not impossible. Often, the way we react to rejection and defeat shows who we really are and guides major decisions in our lives. So, if you find yourself standing in front of the word “no,” know that you are not just that one answer, but rather a series of decisions and actions are what have made and will make up your life.

2. No one is perfect and “no” is bound to be an answer at some point.

As I mentioned before, statistically speaking, you’re not always going to get what you want or be told yes. No matter how hard you try or how much work you put in, there are always going to be other factors that determine your decision. Sometimes it’s who you’re going up against, sometimes life gets in the way, and other times, it’s just not meant to be. We always hear people telling us that no one is perfect and that it’s okay to have flaws, but it’s a lot easier to hear than accept. Just do your best to remind yourself that you are who you are and if you’re trying your best, then there’s nothing more you can do.

3. This doesn’t change who you are as a person and all of the things that you’ve accomplished.

This one decision is just that, one decision. There have been so many other pieces to your life and journey that you have been able to accomplish. This sole rejection can’t take those things away from you. In the same way, you’ve developed who you are a person up to this point and this one decision doesn’t change the kindness you have, the intelligence you’ve gained, and the hard work that you’ve done.

4. You can either stop moving or keep going, but your only real option is to keep going.

In the face of rejection, you can either stand still or choose to keep moving forward. If you stand still, everything stops, nothing is happening. However, when you get told no, life continues to move around you. So, all you really can do is find a way to keep going. Yes, it will be hard and sure you’ll be upset, but sometimes life is a real pain. How we handle the rough parts of life is what defines us.

5. This is only a detour, not the end of the road.

The path you’ve envisioned is now closed – say there’s a tree or a power line down after a storm. What you will eventually see and understand is there has to be a detour. You can choose to take the detour or you can choose to turn around, but if you’re determined and steadfast in your decision, the detour will guide your way. There always has to be a detour, another way to go. Take the time to recover and decide, but always look for your way around that leads back to your goal.